Prologue: The First Step

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"We'll be landing in Los Angeles in approximately 15 minutes - thank you all for flying Delta, and we hope you've enjoyed your flight today," the captain announces over the intercom.

You tap your fingers nervously on the armrest beside you, gazing out the window at the vast land below you. Your heart is racing as a number of questions run through your mind: Will my stuff be there on time? Will I have furniture? Will everything with my new car work out when I pick it up tomorrow? What if I hate it here? Was this the wrong decision? What if I can't afford my place? What have I gotten myself into?

Instead of worrying though, you shake it all off and keep your eyes trained on the world below you. The plane has already begun to descend, and slowly, the world below transforms into a huge grid of streets and houses. This place is your home now - you're about to start the biggest adventure of your life. Granted, you have basically no one behind you to support you in your move, but that wasn't going to stop you at all.

Looking down at this huge grid of a city, you can't help but smile.

I made the right decision coming here, you think to yourself.

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