Chapter Seven: The Cast Party, Part 3

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{ CHAPTER MUSIC SELECTION, TO START AT THE NEXT DANCE: Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus }

There's just this long moment where Matthew holds you as the song fades out and transitions into more of a pop song. But to you, it still feels like it's just you and him. No one else exists.

But then the moment is over when Shemar walks up.

"Well, pretty boy, that wasn't too bad a dance for someone who has two left feet," Shemar smirks, his eyes turning to you. "You've got talent if you can get this one to dance," he says, pointing to Matthew.

Matthew laughs, pulling back from you. You stifle a sigh as he lets go.

"You guys got pretty into that, huh?" Shemar smiles.

"This is Y/N," Matthew blushes slightly. "She's the new PA on set."

"Oooh, Cynthia finally chose someone! Sheesh, took her long enough. It's nice to meet you, beautiful," Shemar grins at you, holding his hand out.

In a slight daze, you shake his hand and laugh. You quickly glance at Matthew and see him smiling over at you. Your heart jumps at his stare - whoa, that's intense.

Shemar seems to notice it it too and gives the two of you a quick wave. "Well, pretty boy, Y/N, I'll leave you two to the next dance."

Just before Shemar steps away, an older man steps up to Matthew and whispers in his ear. Matthew nods and looks at you.

"I'll be back in just a little bit, okay? Save me another dance," he winks, hurrying off with the guy. You're left standing there with Shemar.

He looks at you warmly. "I've never seen him look at someone like that."

You try to hide the goosebumps rising up your arms. "Oh, no, that can't be," you laugh.

"No, really. I've known him a long time, and I've seen him interacting with a lot of women at events like this. He's always very polite. But something is different this time," he winks. "I think you've got him good."

You feel the heat continuing to rise in your cheeks. "We've only known each other...well, less than an hour."

Shemar grins more. "You know, when you find that right person, sometimes you just click." He winks at you once more, lowering his voice. "And the two of you definitely just clicked. We all saw it. Keep on keepin' on, baby girl," he whispers, waving and going back over to his date.

You stand there rather stunned for a minute, finally migrating back to the table where you left your drink. It's not there anymore, so you shrug and pour yourself another, turning around to scan around the now filled up room. Matthew is nowhere to be seen, but you keep noticing that numerous people are looking at you and smiling. Digging into your purse, you pull out your cell and step into a quiet hallway by the bathrooms.

"Roza," you squeak when she picks up.

"Oh my god tell me everything," she gushes. "Whats happened so far? Have you seen him? Did you say hi?"

"You won't believe it," you laugh shakily.

"What? Did he come up to you? Oh my god what???"

"I was here two minutes and he walked up to me. He remembered me from earlier. We talked, and then this beautiful song came on and he asked me to dance, and - "


You hold the phone away from your ear to avoid going deaf from her hollering. "Yes I freaking danced with him. Roza that's not all. The way he danced with me, the way it felt, I can't, I mean I don't want to imagine things, but, it was - "

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