Chapter Two: Settling In

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{ CHAPTER MUSIC SELECTION: California Dreamin' by The Mamas and The Papas }

The shuttle pulls off, and you look down at the single key that opens the house in front of you. Excitement rushes through your veins as you walk up to the front door, stepping up the two porch steps, and open your door for the first time as your own.

You look into the empty rooms of your house, bubbling with joy. Setting your purse down, you start to turn back towards the moving truck to talk to the man waiting. Just before you step back outside, your phone buzzes. You check it quickly, seeing it's from your friend, Roza. Oh, right. Duh - you did have Roza. She was your roommate. You weren't completely alone. She was the one person who stood by you through everything, and that's why she'd moved to California with you. The two of you wanted to adventure together - you'd been best friends since a young age, and always had each others backs.

Like you could pay rent in Hollywood by yourself. No way.

"Y/N!!!! I'LL BE THERE IN AN HOUR. SO EXCITED," her message reads. You send a quick text back telling her you're there, and attach a picture of the front door open. You also add that the first truck of your things are there. She texts back a long list of exclamation points.

You toss your phone back into your purse and run over to the truck. For an hour, you help the mover get your stuff inside to the empty living room. As you're passing by your purse to get the last load, you hear your phone buzzing. Assuming it's Roza, you pick it up quickly.

"Hey!" you say, not even looking at the caller ID.

"Is this Y/N?" a cool voice asks.

"Yes, it is. May I ask who is speaking?" you ask, suddenly intimidated by the voice on the other end.

"This is Cynthia from CBS studios. We had you penciled in for your interview tomorrow at 11AM, but we've had a cancellation and wanted to see if you could be at the studio today at 3:30PM instead." It was more of a statement than anything else.

Oh god, if you don't do this, you're out of the running. You know it.

"Yes! Yes, certainly, I can be there," you answer without thinking.

"Good. Please pull up to the visitor gate off of Fairfax and they'll direct you to our office. See you shortly," Cynthia said curtly, hanging up soon after.

"Oh my god," you whisper. You have no idea where your interview clothes are - you didn't think you'd be going to an interview today. What if you couldn't find them? Were they even in this truck load? Frantically, you call Roza.

"I'll be there in like twenty min, Y/N," she answers excitedly.

"I have a problem," you groan.

"Oh no. What?"

"CBS called. They want me to interview today," you sigh.

"Isn't that a good thing, Y/N!?"

"It's at 3:30. That's like less than two hours from now. I have no car, and worst of all, I have absolutely no idea where my nice clothes are. I'm freaking out," you squeak. "This is the job I really, really want."

"I know you can pull something together, girl. You've got this. I bet your clothes are there. Hang up, look through everything, and I'll be there ASAP. We'll find a way to get you there, okay?" she says softly.

You're instantly calmed down, and you hang up to begin searching through all your boxes, trying your best to avoid the frantic shaking that's trying to take over your body.

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