Chapter Twenty-Five: You're All I Need

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{ CHAPTER MUSIC SELECTION: All I Need by Mat Kearny }

After a grueling 12 hours later, Matthew is out of the ICU and situated in his own room. He wasn't one to give up, and he never did. He made it. He had some serious, lifelong injuries that would affect him for a long time, but what mattered most was that he was alive.

You're admitted to see him, though he's asleep when you get in his room. You pull a chair up beside his bed, quickly abandoning that idea and crawling up next to him. Everything is still in a blur to you, and the shock is still lingering from the fact that Matthew almost died right in front of you.

"Thank you for holding on," you whisper to him as you snuggle against his side carefully, avoiding the bandages that covered most of his body. His entire right arm is shattered, he has bandages across his entire face, five of his ribs were broken, which had punctured his left lung. His legs had come out with just a few scars, but nothing broken, by some miracle. His ankle was twisted, but that was it. It really, truly was a miracle.

He wasn't meant to die, you reassure yourself with relief.

Roza peeks her head in the doorway, seeing you laying there with Matthew. She smiles and whispers, "I'll leave you two be for now. I'll be in the waiting room, kay?"

You nod over to her with a thankful smile, snuggling closer against Matthew. Before you know it, you're sound asleep.

Some time later on, you're awakened by a gentle hand on your hair. Your eyes snap open, and you look up to see Matthew awake. The room is dark, and the only light comes from the machines hooked up to him.

"Hi," you whisper, sitting up slightly more. Your heart is racing in your chest, seeing him awake and okay as he could be.

"Hi," he murmurs back, still weak but able to talk better now.

"You're okay," you smile softly up at him.

"I am..." he says, his voice giving away how surprised he is. "I hardly remember anything."

"You don't need to," you say quietly.

"I ran away because I - " he shakes his head. "I'm so embarrassed."

"'s okay, I'm not mad, you're not doesn't matter, okay?"

"But it does matter... I doubted you, I thought - I thought you were just going to go off with Shemar, but I know you wouldn't do that, I - " his voice is filled with sadness.

"Sweetie..." you sigh. "It's okay. Don't dwell on it. We all get jealous. To be honest, I'd probably have done the same thing." You slowly smile. "It just makes me love you even more when you're jealous like that."

He smiles slightly, wincing at a jolt of pain from doing so. "Just know I'm smiling like an idiot right now, even if I can't do it."

"Don't hurt yourself," you giggle. Your eyes drift up to the clock under the TV. "Wow, it's 4am. What woke you?"

"I needed more morphine," he winces, tapping the button once more.

"How bad does it hurt?" you ask sadly.

"Bad," he whimpers, trying to stay as strong as he can. "But I can get through it."

"I'll be right here. Every day. They can't make me leave," you say firmly. "Filming is on hold right now, until you recover."

He nods, looking down with guilt in his eyes. "I - "

"Don't you say anything about this being your fault again, Matthew," you growl. "Everyone is worried sick about you. You're going to have a million visitors tomorrow, you know."

"Oh man," he laughs weakly. "That'll be fun."

"Is there anything I can get you?" you ask sweetly, stroking his shoulder very gently.

"I just need you here, that's all," he replies. "I won't sleep well without you."

"Like I said, I'm not going anywhere," you say softly.

"I love you so much," he whispers, stroking through your hair again.

"I love you," you murmur. "You have no idea how sick I felt when I saw the car...I..."

"Shh," he ruffles your hair. "Don't think about it. Just think about me being right here. Because I am. I'm okay."

You nod, sniffing and blinking back the tears that had sprung to your eyes.

"I will make all of this up to you, I promise," he whispers.

A smile spreads across your face, and you lean back against his only good arm. He wraps it around you, taking your hand in his.

"As soon as it doesn't hurt to talk, I'm gonna cover you in kisses," he murmurs in your ear.

You giggle, snuggling into his arm and drifting back off to sleep.

{Sorry this one is a little shorter - I'll update again soon with a longer chapter! I just wanted to put you guys at ease ;) }

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