Chapter Seventeen: Did You Say Cooking?

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{ CHAPTER MUSIC SELECTION: A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton}

Matthew leads you up the ivy covered stairs to his front door, where there's a welcome mat reading 'Gubler'. Your heart skips a beat as you cross over it and into his space.

It's a beautiful area. Wooden floors, a sort of old timey style, spiffed up with the Gubler touch. It was everything you thought it'd be, but far more magical in person than in imagination.

Matthew rests his hand on your back. "Shall I give you the grand tour?"

"Please," you smile up at him. "This is beautiful."

"I saw this house and knew I had to have it. It just called Gubler, Gubler, Gubler!" he chuckles.

Matthew takes you through the kitchen, showing you the dining room with windows all around it, giving off a beautiful natural light - though it was dark, now. The downstairs consisted of a giant living room, kitchen, dining room, and office room, as well as three guest bedrooms. The partial upstairs was mostly his bedroom, and as you stop in the doorway of it, all kinds of things run through your mind. Oh god, I want to be in that bed with him, please.

His room is beautiful. A soft canopy sits a top his bed, supported by huge wooden bed posts. The whole room has a theme of mahogany red, and you instantly feel cozy in there. A fireplace is across from the bed, with a small sitting area to the right. On the other side was his dresser and what looked to be a walk in closet.

"It's perfect," you murmur.

"It's sort of like my hobbit hole," Matthew laughs nervously. "Like I said, hardly anyone sees it."

"I'm honored," you smile over at him, sharing a moment with him that sends sparks buzzing up your back. Intense sparks.

"Well, I say we cook all that delicious fish we bought, yeah!?" Matthew grins. "I hope you're ready to see me make a total fool of myself."

"Oh, I am," you smirk back at him, setting your bag down casually by the bed - relieved when he doesn't tell you to move it elsewhere - and following him out to the kitchen.

Within fifteen minutes, you have everything sizzling. Matthew decided to cut the vegetables, because it was something he couldn't really do to incorrectly. Being the silly dork he was, he grabbed a chefs hat and put it on his head.

The radio is on softly in the background, and when you hear A Thousand Miles come on, Matthew squeals.

"Oh gosh this song!!!" he squeaks, running over and turning up the sound. "MAKIN' MY WAY DOWNTOWN, WALKIN' FAST, FACES PASS AND I'M HOMEBOUND," he yells, barely hitting the key. It's the most adorable thing you've ever seen. Especially when he starts to air play the piano.

He runs over to you and grabs you from behind, squeezing your waist. "And I need you, and I miss you, and now I woooonnnderrrrrr...."

You spin around and face him, your faces super close. Your eyes twinkle as you sing, "If I could fall, into the sky..."

"Do you think time, would pass me by?" he returns.

"Cus you know I'd walk a thousand miles..." you murmur.

"If I can"

"TONIGHT!" you both yell in unison.

Matthew continues to sing the song, twirling around the kitchen in his chefs hat, acting as though he's playing the piano with the music. It's one of the most heart warming moments for you.

He spins back to you, lifting you up and spinning you as the song hits its climax. "And I still need you, and I still miss you..."

"If I could fall, into the you think time...would pass us by?" you sing back, grinning at how his face lights up.

When the chorus hits, you two start belting out the lyrics like fools, almost laughing too hard to even sing anymore.

As the piano slowly ends the song, Matthew pulls you into his arms, whispering the last few words. "If I can just hold you....toniiiiiiiiiiiiiight..."

You nuzzle up against him, whispering in his ear, "You can hold me tonight and every other night after that..."

His eyes brighten as he gazes at you, stroking his thumb across your lips and murmuring. "I'm glad I'm not a thousand miles from you."

"Oh man, that'd really suck, huh?" you laugh. "Not even gonna think of that."

A slight burning smell drifts into your nose, and you squeak. "THE FISH!"

Matthews jaw drops. "Oops," he frowns. "Wait, we can still save it!" He rushes over, managing to drop the spatula on the ground, then be burned by the oil leaping out of the hot pan.

You move him aside laughing, grabbing another spatula and turning the fish, flipping the heat off and letting it cool off.

"I'll still eat it," Matthew says from behind you.

Then you just start hysterically laughing, because everything in that moment is so perfect, you just can't.

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