Chapter Fifteen: I Choose You, Part 1

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{ CHAPTER MUSIC SELECTION******: I Choose You by Sara Bareilles }

You make it through your first month in Hollywood, and you can't say you have anything to complain about.

You and Matthew leave work that afternoon, ready for your next three day weekend. You're headed down to the beach by the Santa Monica pier, and you couldn't be more excited. Roza is meeting you there after a little while - you, her and Matthew get along so well together and always have such a good time.

As you drive through town, singing along with Matthew in his car, you continuously catch him staring at you with a look of love. Every time, your breath catches in your throat - a continuous cycle, repeating over and over and over.

When you get to the beach, Matthew manages a perfect spot in a parking lot just by the pier. He hops out and grabs your picnic basket while you grab the blankets. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, grinning at you.

"It's the perfect day for the beach, huh?" he laughs, pushing up his sunglasses on his face.

"Uh, yeah," you grin back. "I plan on swimming a ton."

"I'll be swimming with you," Matthew smirks back.

You choose a spot close to the waves, in an area where there are fewer people. Matthew sets the basket down, plopping onto the blanket and tossing his shoes off. He grabs your leg and knocks you down with him, so you fall right onto his chest, giggling uncontrollably.

He grabs your hair in his hands and pulls you close to his face - so close your noses brush. A smile twitches across his face as he looks up at you.

You know what he wants, but you can tell the hesitation in his eyes at doing it. You feel the burn of his skin against yours, and all you want to do is kiss him.

So you do. You slam your lips down on his, sliding your hands up his face and into his hair. It's not just a short, sweet kiss. It's way, way more than that. It's a burning passion satisfied, a puzzle piece fit together with another. His hands grab your hair in fists, and you feel in his kiss how badly he wants so much more with you.

Goosebumps spread up your back, and you pull back for a breath, giving him a wicked, cheeky grin.

"I have a feeling you're about to do something bad," Matthew laughs softly.

Really, you're saving yourself from something that would become much more intense from happening in the middle of a public beach, but he doesn't need to know that right now.

You pull back, slipping your shirt and pants off to reveal your bikini. Then, you lean closer into him and whisper, "Catch me if you can."

Before he can even answer, you run off giggling towards the ocean water. You go in waist deep and dive under, hearing Matthew calling after you but going underwater before you really understand him.

You're hardly underwater two seconds before you feel a hand on your ankle, pulling you back. Your foot lands on Matthews bare chest, and in seconds he has you in an arm lock from behind. His chin rests against your shoulder, and his lips are at your ear.

"I caught you," he grins, spinning you around to face him.

Oh dear god this man is just... you think to yourself as you look at him, dripping wet from the ocean water, his hair soaked against his face. Your bare stomach is pressed against his, and his hands rest on the small of your back.

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