Chapter Twelve: Lunch Time, Part 1

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{ CHAPTER MUSIC SELECTION: Best Shot by Birdy & Jaymes Young }

The entire first half of the morning goes smoothly - at least, it appears to go smoothly. You, however, are a nervous wreck. Matthew's last words ring over and over in your head as you set things up, hang back, watch the shoots, and repeat it all again. Matthew works so smoothly - he knows all his lines, his staging, everything.

Though you're in a sort of haze, you still manage to work efficiently enough. When they call for lunch, you almost consider ducking away and hiding, but Matthew catches you first.

"Do you like it so far?" he smiles at you, ruffling his hair up. Oh that is so cute, you think.

"Love it," you smile nervously.

Matthew smiles back, taking your arm and leading you outside of the studio. "We have an hour and a half before the call time for you. There's this place about a block away that has these seriously amazing sandwiches."

"Sounds good to me," you reply, looking at his arm holding yours. You're not sure if you should try and make small talk or not, so you say nothing as you start to walk.

"You're doing a great job," Matthew says. "I was watching you," he chuckles.

"Were you now?" you can't help but smile, raising an eyebrow playfully at him.

"I can't help it," he looks down shyly, his cheeks ever so slightly red. Oh my god, he is so adorable, you think to yourself. He just gets cuter and cuter.

"I'm glad," you murmur, feeling yourself starting to calm down. You reach the small deli cafe and he grabs a seat outside, telling you he's buying. He says he wants to surprise you with an order, so you laugh and let him run inside.

As you're waiting, a younger girl comes up to you with wide eyes. "You're having lunch with Matthew Gray Gubler?"

You smile politely. The girl looks to be about 13, with sandy brown hair down to her waist and big green eyes.

"Yeah, I am. Do you want to talk to him when he comes back?" you grin at her. She looks like she's about to pass out.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh would he talk to me?" she squeals, jumping up and down.

"Of course he would. Look, here he comes now," you point to Matthew bringing out a tray of delicious looking sandwiches. He smiles and sits down, looking at the girl.

"Well hi!" he smiles at her, holding his hand out to shake.

"Hi," she squeaks, sounding terrified.

"I love your hair. It's really beautiful," Matthew says, and the girl visibly trembles.

"Here, lets get you two a picture, sweety," you say, standing up and taking her iPhone from her.

Matthew stands up happily, kneeling down closer to the little girls height and wrapping his arm around her. He gives a dazzling, sweet smile, making the little girl seem more comfortable. You take a few different pictures, and the girl gives Matthew a huge hug before thanking him and running off.

The two of you sit back down, laughing softly at how cute she was.

"You're really sweet to do that," you say to him.

"I would want the same if it were me doing that," Matthew replies. "I'm so thankful for anyone that wants to meet me."

Warmth spreads through you. You look down at the sandwich he got you. "You remember what I told you about my favorite kind of sandwich," you grin goofily.

"Of course. How could I forget?" he winks at you, taking a big bite of his.

You laugh, not even trying to hide the big grin on your face. He really had been listening to you earlier that weekend when you'd talked about all kinds of tiny details.

Matthew clears his throat and sets his sandwich down. "So, about what I said earlier."

You freeze in mid-bite, staring at him and waiting for him to go on.

"I want to be with you," he breathes. "But there's a few things I want to talk about first. They're all good. I promise. Don't look so scared," he laughs.

You set your sandwich down. "Hit me with it."

"First thing..." Matthew begins.


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