Chapter Eighteen: This Love

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{ CHAPTER MUSIC SELECTION: This Love by Taylor Swift }

"Even if it was half burned, that was still some good food," Matthew grins as he loads his dishwasher with all the plates.

"I agree," you laugh. "I'm stuffed, either way."

Matthew smiles shyly over at you. "I was thinking we could watch a movie upstairs?"

Upstairs. That meant his bed.

"That'd be nice," you smile back at him. "What kind of movie, mm?"

"Well, I scare really easily, so horror movies are more of a comedy for anyone else watching," he replies with a slight tinge of blush on his cheeks.

"Now you know we have to do that, just because you said that," you grin back playfully.

"I kind of walked into that one," Matthew shrugs, laughing softly. "You pick."

"Sinisiter," you say without hesitation, knowing it's one of the scariest horror movies out there.

"I've heard of that but definitely haven't seen it. Lets do it then," Matthew replies, looking ever so slightly nervous. It's adorable.

You squeal in excitement. "Okay, okay, we have to make the room super dark and ominous to set the mood."

"I'm just a little," Matthew begins, holding his fingers up together, "little, little bit afraid of the dark. But you'll be there so I think I'll be okay."

Your heart warms at his words, and you grab his hand and head upstairs to his room. Ignoring the sheer excitement you're feeling, you try and take a deep breath as you plop onto the center of his bed. He tosses you the clicker.

"We can rent it via Amazon," he smiles, sliding onto the bed beside you, nervously tugging at his fingers. He sits so your shoulders touch.

You find the movie with ease, and he flips out all the lights just as you said. You feel the tension in his shoulders as the movie starts, and when you look over at him he looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Hey," you whisper, sliding your hand in his. "We don't have to watch this if you don't want to."

He squeezes your hand and gives you a sweet smile. "It's okay. I'm okay. You're here. ready for me to scream. Because I do."

"So do I," you grin back, trying to make him feel more comfortable.

"C'mere," he murmurs, pulling you up against him and closer into his arms. "You're gonna be my teddy."

Your smile spreads from ear to ear as you snuggle back against him. You feel him sigh softly, relaxing into you. You can also, most definitely, feel the big smile on his face as he nuzzles against your hair to hide half his face from the screen.

Thirty minutes into the movie, Matthew is already completely tense, screamed ten times, and continues to hide his face in your hair. His right hand squeezes yours tightly in an iron grip. You don't have any complaints about any of it. Every time he screams, you can't help but giggle and pull him closer.

An intense sequences happens just then, scaring Matthew half to death. He ducks his head completely behind you, and you spin around to make sure he's still breathing.

"Hey," you murmur, pausing the movie. "You okay there, bud?" {cue music}

"Maybe?" Matthew whimpers.

"It's okay, hey, look at me," you tilt his chin up so he looks at you. His eyes are the biggest puppy eyes you've ever seen in your life. "I'm right here, okay? Right here. We can stop if you want."

Matthew stares at you for a long moment, shaking his head. "No, we can finish it, I just...need a minute to breath," he laughs, seeming embarrassed. "I feel like such a baby."

"You're my baby," you whisper softly, your eyes warm with love.

Matthew searches your gaze, and you see the same love returned in his eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but he can't seem to find his words.

"Scared the words right out of ya, huh?" you murmur, stroking his cheek. "Hey, it does that to me sometimes to-"

"I love you," Matthew says suddenly, not taking his eyes off you.

You stop mid sentence, your mouth hanging open, momentarily stunned.

"I love you. I know its kind of soon, but I love you. I'm crazy about you. Every second I spend with you is completely magical, and I - " he blabbers.

You quiet him by slamming your lips to his, sliding your hands up to cup his face. He leans into you and sighs softly again.

"I love you too," you whisper back, brushing your lips against his.

His response is to pull you closer against him, tangling his hands into your hair. The electricity is sizzling through you as you embrace in this passion with him, and you quickly feel things taking a turn for the more intense.

Matthew starts breathing heavier, innocently brushing his tongue against your lower lip. You graciously let him in your mouth, almost in a daze from what's happening. What started off as just an innocent kiss was transforming into an act of love.

Your hands move down Matthew's chest to the first button of his collared shirt, which you undo slowly, giving him a chance to stop you. He doesn't, so you continue to go down them until his shirt is completely unbuttoned and all that's left is taking it off.

In response, he grips the bottom of your shirt, pulling back to slide it off you and drop it to the ground. Meanwhile, he also lets his shirt fall off. A soft smile crosses his face as he leans back into you, embracing you and pulling your lips back to his. Though he seems to be calm on the outside, you feel his heart pounding in his chest against your bare skin. You want to say something, but you can't find your words, and you know they're not necessary in this moment.

He waits for you to make the next move, all the while touching up and down your bare back, running his fingers along your spine. Your hands shakily move down to his pants, which you unbutton, revealing his boxers covered in magician hats and wands.

In a flash, his pants are off and so are yours. You're both left there in your underwear, breathing hard and looking at each other.

"Do you want this?" Matthew whispers nervously.

"With you, I want everything," you murmur back, stroking his cheek.

He nods, an adoring smile spreading over his face. Slowly, his hands reach back to unhook your bra...

Oh god, this is it, you think.

{ TO BE CONTINUED VERY SOON I'M SORRY I HAVE TO GO OUT BUT I PROMISE THERE WILL BE MORE TODAY AND YOU'LL ALL LOVE IT SO MUCH, LOOK FOR IT LATER AND BE PREPARED FOR STEAMY! I didn't want to rush this so I'll just split it up and finish it tonight so it's REALLY good for you guys.}

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