Chapter Nineteen: This Love, Part 2

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Note; this chapter gets kinda - really - sexy, just a warning! I'm warming up to this kind of writing, so expect more later on down the road, with more detail. If you haven't listened to the song above, you really should. You'll feel the feels big time. Real big time.

Matthew's hands shake lightly as he unhooks your bra, letting it fall off into his waiting hand. He drops it to the floor softly, keeping his eyes on yours instead of your breasts. You notice how scared he is, and you wonder if he's every done this.

"Have you...done this before?" you ask in a whisper, trying to keep your voice from shaking. You'd had a few relationships in the past, but you'd never sealed the deal before.

Matthew gulps. "N-no, I never got to it."

"Neither have I," you murmur back.

Matthew's eyes widen slightly. "Really?" He sounds a little more comfortable. "So I-I'm gonna be -"

"My first," you whisper, sliding your hand in his.

"And you'll be mine," he says with a shy smile. "I like that."

"Me too," you say warmly.

For a moment you just stare at each other. Your fingers stroke against his lips, and he slowly, slowly reaches his hand up to your breast, touching over the sides to your nipple. His touch sends chills across every single place of your body.

Then his hands slide down to your waist and lift you up, only to knock you back down on the bed, ripping your underwear off as he does it. Now you're completely out of your clothes, but you're not nervous at all. You know this is completely right. And you know, 100 percent, that this is going to be the best sex of your life. Even though you know it'll hurt a little - okay, a lot - you don't care. You know Matthew will take care of you.

Matthew slams his lips to yours, pushing you back into the pillows with the force, and you feel him slide his boxers off and toss them aside.

Now you're both completely naked.

There's so much you want to say, but you know words won't do your feelings any justice. So instead, you let your love for him pour out in your movements - Matthew's already doing the same thing. His hands cup your face as he lays there on top of you, his lips smashed against yours. He doesn't move his hands all over you right away - he embraces every second of every part of you. He isn't rushing it, he's taking the time to make every single second completely perfect.

Nerves continue to flit through you, because a part of you can't stop feeling him sitting just outside of yours legs. It's completely distracting, but also completely exhilarating. You feel close to him now, but you just know it's going to get even closer than that just a few more moments.

One of Matthew's hands slide down to your waist, lifting your body up ever so slightly, supporting you somewhat against the thick cushions of the bed's headboard. He gently moves your legs open more with his, pulling back and looking in your eyes, leaving himself sitting just inches away from sealing the deal. You notice there's a thin line of tears welled up in his eyes. Immediately, any fear or nerves dissipate.

"Matthew..." you murmur, nuzzling your face up to his. He rests his forehead on yours and he looks in your eyes. His eyelashes brush ever so slightly against yours as he looks at you.

"I love you, Y/N," he whispers, an adoring smile crossing his face. "I love you. I can't stop saying it."

You giggle, sliding your arms around his neck, down his bare back, stopping just before you reach his butt. "I love you," you reply with a smirk.

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