Chapter Thirty-Seven: Weird

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"Ugh, I need to go to the bathroom," you grumble, getting up from the restaurant booth. "I'll be back in a minute. You can order if you want to, okay?" you smile as you get up.

Matthew looks up from the menu. "Okay darling. Are you sure you don't need me with you?" His voice is full of concern for you, and it makes you grin.

"I'll be okay," you wink. "I won't be long." You blow him a quick kiss and hurry to the bathroom. You were hiding just how nauseous you're really feeling. It would only make him worry about you, and you were out to eat - you were supposed to be having fun.

You slide into a stall and sit down, taking a few deep breaths. From your purse you pull out a cool cloth, wiping your face off. You'd recently started to carry the cloth around for just this reason - nausea. It made you feel so hot, and the cloth helped you catch your breath again. If you took too long, you knew Matthew would come looking for you, though. So you tried your best to get rid of the feeling. After a minute or two, you pull out your recently prescribed nausea pills, taking two. They usually took about twenty minutes to kick in - hopefully they'd hurry up and you'd actually get an appetite back. If you didn't, Matthew would panic.

The thought of Matthew just brought a smile to your face, though. Thinking of him loving you so much, getting concerned at the smallest things, made your stomach flutter. He still made your stomach flutter.

You pull out your phone and send a quick text to Roza. Wish you were here right now. Nausea attack. I'm okay though.

A moment later she texts back. Do I need to come?

You laugh. No no no, I'm just telling you I love you and miss you as I sit here on the toilet waiting for the nausea to pass.

She texted back, Only you can get away with saying that without me freaking out on you. ;)

Smiling, you type back, Love ya, see you soon, right?

Her text back, Very soon. xoxoxoxoxo

You slide your phone back in your purse and stand up, feeling only a smidgen better. But you know you have to get back out to Matthew. So you flush the toilet, step out and wash your hands. Making your way out of the bathroom, you notice a small crowd of people around Matthew.

"Oh god," you mumble to yourself. Though you didn't mind the fans, sometimes it was stressful. At least you weren't visibly pregnant yet - that was going to explode on the tabloids.

As you approach the table though, your brows furrow.

"You're really weird," one of the girls says to Matthew, her voice cold.

"Yeah, you're always by yourself, you're always wearing weird clothes, I mean, what the heck?" another one chimes in.

"And your hair is pathetic," a boy in the group says.

"You think you're funny but you're not," the first girl snaps.

Catching a glimpse of Matthew, you see the pain all over his face. You see his mouth moving, but don't know what he's saying. He catches your eye through the crowd, and his expression screams I NEED YOU.

Anger boils up inside you as you break into a jog across the room to the group.

"Oh, look, he's not alone," the boy says cooly.

"You're definitely not good enough for her, loser," one of the girls laughs. "She's so far beyond your league."

"HEY," you snarl as you reach the booth. Shoving the boy aside so you can stand in front of Matthew, you glare at them. The group visibly wince at your icy look - they're only 13 years old, it looks like.

"Some one is pissed," the boy snickers.

"BACK OFF," you yell, causing half the room to look at you.

"Gotta get your girl to protect you, dork?" the boy looks at Matthew behind you.

"He didn't ask for me to face you assholes," you hiss. "Get a life. Who the hell do you think you are to come up to him and say all those things?"

"Because it's true," one of the girls says, rolling her eyes.

"Right, because he's successful in Hollywood? Because he's one of the most talented people to ever live? Someone that's so unique that you think it's weird? Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're pretty damn ordinary, and that sucks for you. I hate for you to live in this world and be as bland as you apparently are. It's a shame you're not lucky enough to know someone as special as Matthew. Really sucks for you." You reach over and grab Matthew's hand. "Come on, we're leaving."

The group of three stare at you with theirs mouths open. Obviously your words had an effect on them - good, they deserved it.

You feel Matthew's hand tremble in yours as you drag him out of the restaurant. You turn around once more while the kids are in earshot, saying, "I'd be ashamed if I were your parents. You're a disgrace. Try to be better people."

When you get out to the street, you walk a little ways down and pull Matthew down onto a bench. "Are you okay?" your voice is instantly softer.

He looks at you with his sad puppy eyes. "No," he whimpers, looking down. "No one has spoken to me like that in a while. Not so viciously. And they were so young...what did I do to make them hate me so much?"

"Matthew, you've always said to embrace who you are. You're usually not affected by this. What's up?" you ask softly, squeezing his hand.

"They just really got to me. I wasn't prepared...I just...I don't know," he sniffs.

"Hey," you murmur softly. "You're the most amazing person on this planet. I hope you know that. I love you so much, and I love you even more because you're who you are. You're not afraid to be you, and that's the most wonderful thing. It's so hard to find someone these days that's not afraid to be themselves. Society has become so cold."

A smile twitches at the edges of Matthew's mouth. "This is why I need you around. You remind me how strong I really am inside. You bring it out in me."

You kiss his cheek gently, but he turns his head to meet your lips, giving you a long, sweet kiss.

"Thank you," he whispers.

"Thank you," you murmur back.

"Thank you for being you," Matthew grins.

"No, thank you for being you," you giggle, squeezing his hand.

"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, Y/N," he sighs softly. "But not here. Lets go somewhere else?"

Your curiosity sparks. "Yeah, sure...Where to?"

He stands up, holding his hand out and smirking. "That, my darling, you'll find out when we get there."

You giggle, looking at him in his colorful patterned shirt and glasses on his head, holding his hand out to you. Eagerly, you take it and entwine your fingers together, happily following him down the sidewalk to this mystery place, to talk about some unknown subject...

You realize then your nausea is completely gone.

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