Chapter Four: The Interview

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{ CHAPTER MUSIC SELECTION: I Lived by OneRepublic }

The Uber drives off quickly, pulling out onto Melrose. Thankfully, you're just a few blocks from the CBS Studio - but just because you're a few blocks away doesn't mean it'll only take you a few minutes. Not in California traffic.

You're a little ahead of schedule, so panic doesn't kick in just yet. The clock reads 2:59 - you'll definitely be at CBS by 3:15, and you'll have more than enough time to find where you need to go.

As the car cruises down Melrose, you take a moment to breath. You know you need to breath. If you blow this interview, you're blowing one of your biggest industry opportunities. How would you ever forgive yourself for that one?

So you continue to breath in and out, checking out all the shops and restaurants near your house. You scout out places you and Roza can go, places you can grab brunch, shop when you've had a bad day, and grab a drink to relax. There are endless places to go. You see spas, furniture stores, smoothie stores, antique stores...and so many more.

A calmness begins to creep over you as you get closer to CBS. The building comes into sight to your left as you come down Fairfax and pull over to get out. You take one last deep breath, thank the driver, and get out of the car. You quickly cross the street and approach the security at the gate.

"Hi, I'm here for an interview with Cynthia - " You suddenly blank on her last name.

"Your name?" the security guard asks dully.

"Y/N. The interview is at 3:30," you reply quickly.

"Right. ID please."

You show the guard the ID, and he nods cooly. "I'll have someone take you to her building."

"Thank you," you smile. The guard pages someone, and a moment later, you're walking through the parking lot and into the ice-cold studio. You go up three flights of steps and come out on the third floor. To your right, you see a big "ON AIR" sign lit up in red. You turn away from it and go down a smaller hallway.

"Cynthia's office is here," the man nods, leaving you to stand alone in front of it. For about a minute, you just stare at the door. You're about to knock politely when it opens, and a blindingly handsome man steps out, running right into you.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," he blushes, giving you an apologetic smile.

"It's okay," you squeak, completely taken by his entire face.

He lowers his voice. "You look a little spooked. Don't be. She's nice."

You look to the floor nervously, noticing he's wearing two drastically mismatching socks. Suddenly, he seems easier to talk to. But he looks way too familiar. Where had you seen him before?

Smiling, you answer, "Oh, I'll be fine."

"I can already tell you'll do great," he grins at you, nodding and stepping past to head down the hall. At the very end, he glances back at you and winks before turning the corner to head for the stairs.

You really needed to know where he was from.

The cool, familiar voice from the phone cuts into your thoughts just then.


In front of you stands who you know to be Cynthia. She's dressed in a casual business suit, her dark hair cut short to her chin. Her eyes were a blinding blue, and her teeth were way too white.

You realize you should probably say something, so you hold your hand out to shake firmly. "Yes, I'm Y/N. It's lovely to meet you. Thank you for having me."

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