Chapter 1: lost & Found.

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⚜️POV: Elijah ⚜️

Elijah:You see, Marcel, my disease has always been blind devotion to my brother.

I'm a danger to my family.

So take away the memories. Compel me.

The promise of always and forever.

Marcel:Forget it. Let it go.

Then all I saw was darkness and my memories of thousand years lost in it.

⚜️3 Hours later⚜️

Bus driver : You know where you're going hon?

Elijah: I ne...I

Bus driver : Chicken and waffles ,two miles up the road. Good luck to you.

Elijah leaves the bus

⚜️15 minute later⚜️

Elijah standing in front of vending machine and punching a hole in it to eat something.

Shop employee: Is there a problem?

"Heart is beating" Elijah thought.

Elijah: What is that?

Shop employee: What is what?

Heartbeat continuous

Elijah: That noise

Shop employee: umm... Ok you look like you could use some help.

Shop employee call someone for help.
[Line ringing]

Shop employee: Hey. Yeah, I got a guy here that, uh, just put his hand through our vending machine.
He just punched a hole in it.

Then suddenly Elijah attacks the shop employee and starts to drink his blood.

The shop employee starts crying screaming for help but at last Elijah's hunger win and the man dies.

Elijah then stole his clothes and wear it himself .

This is the beginning of his new life.

⚜️ 1 Week Later ⚜️

On late night Elijah was wandering around the streets of New York city looking for his next meal then he hear some noises.He then starts to follow the sound and then he saw two women.One of the women was sucking the other women's neck and later starts saying comfort words to her "It's ok there is nothing to fear". He observe the scene silently and then he saw the women was looking straight in the eyes of other women and she told her "You will forget anything happen here your boss told you to work overnight that's why you are late to go your home" and she give her some of her blood to the other women. He notice that the women have some blood in the corner of her mouth and he was shocked.

The Women: Not big on audiences so unless  you want to die I suggest you to run far away from here or you'll not see the sun tomorrow.

Elijah (still shocked say):I thought I
was the only one.

The Women(said angrily): What the hell do you want for me.

Elijah: Are there more of us?
Wh.. where do we came from me... what are we?

The Women: Well dear whatever game you're are playing I'm not interested to be part of it.

Elijah: Please I need your help.

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