Chapter 23: Come back please

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⚜️POV: Harriet ⚜️

When I wake up I notice Lily is still sleeping so I let her sleep and decides to not wake her up. When I go out of the room I saw Elijah making breakfast for us and Henrik and James sitting in kitchen island and observing him.

Henrik: Daddy can I ask you something ?

Elijah: Ofcourse son.

Henrik: Why you don't allow us to drink your strawberry juice.

Elijah: That's because only vampires can drink it.

James: But why only vampires?

Elijah: it's specially made for us .

Henrik: Like wine and that juice which momma drink and start to behave wierd.

James: That's alcohol Henry.

Henrik: Yes alcohol.

Elijah chuckle and say

Elijah: how the hell you even know about alcohol.

James: Grandpa Paddy tell me about it.

Elijah: Oh Sirius how suprising.

I go to them and Elijah look at me

Elijah: How is lily?

Harriet: She is still sleeping.

James: Is lily fine?

Henrik: Daddy say lily is not feeling good.

Harriet: She is fine you don't have to worry about it.

Both twins sigh in relief

James: Thanks Merlin she is not ill. I can try my new prank ideas on her.

Harriet: James.

I glare at him

James: I'm just joking.

Few minutes later when we start eating our breakfast. lily come out of her room and her eyes are red like she just cried.

Lily: Mommy.

She say softly and came to me and sit on my lap.

Harriet: what happened to my little flower did you have another nightmare?

She nodded no

Harriet: Then what happened?

Lily: You were not there when I wake and I get scared.

I eyes soften at that

Harriet: Don't worry I'm here no need to cry.

I wipe the tears from her face

Elijah: Lily I have made your favourite chocolate flavour pancakes.

Her face light up at that and she gets up from my lap and go to Elijah and hug him.

Lily: You are the best daddy in the world.

⚜️Few minutes later⚜️

Elijah: What are we going to do?

Harriet: First we have to found out who's spirit is this and why she wants that girl .

Elijah: Did you ever notice something unusual about her presence in your dreams.

Harriet: She only comes in my dreams and I never saw her in real world like the other spirits I saw and whenever she came there is always a symbol drawn in the wall.

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