Chapter:19 Miracle

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⚜️ One month later ⚜️
         POV: Harriet

Elijah: Are you sure you are fine?

Harriet: I a.....

Before I can say anything I starts to puke again in the toilet. Elijah starts to rub my back to comfort me.

Elijah: I told you yesterday to not overeat now you see.

Harriet: I...I...

I tried to talk but whenever I open my mouth I feel like I will throw up again.

Elijah: You should take a leave today.

Harriet: I'm fine Lijah I will just take medicines.

He look at me with concern and say

Elijah: You have been vomiting nonstop, can you  please understand I am telling this for your own wellbeing.

Harriet: aa...

I starts to puke again

Harriet: oh Merlin.

Now I feel a little bit better

Harriet: I think it's over..

Elijah: for now.I am telling you to take rest.

Harriet: but I have work to do and I promised Hermione that I will go with her for her and baby's checkup.

Elijah: Work can wait for you and Hermione will understand if she know that you are not feeling well.

Harriet: but...

He look at me with his strict look

Elijah: No buts. Now if you are feeling better how about you eat something.

Harriet: I am not feeling hungry.

Then my stomach made a sound and he look at me

Elijah: I will plate the breakfast.

⚜️After breakfast⚜️

Elijah: how are you feeling now?

Harriet: A lot better, I think I should eat the medicine now.

I then starts to look for the pills. When I search a little more most of them are either empty or expired.

Elijah: Did you find the pills.

I look at him and say

Harriet: the pills are either expired or empty.

Elijah: don't worry about it I will buy them while coming back home tonight after work.

I nodded at him and he kiss my forehead and say

Elijah: take care of yourself and if you have any problem then call me.

He look at me for the last time before taking the exit.

⚜️Few hours later⚜️

Oh Merlin I hate this I am so stupid for participating on that useless competition I didn't even win .. fuck Ron.. oh... my stomach it's hurts.

I then hear my phone ringing

Harriet: Where is my bloody phone!!!

After searching for a while I found it and pick the call.

Harriet: Who is this?!

Hermione: Harry it's me Hermione and why you are shouting?

Harriet: Moine...oh it's nothing.

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