Chapter:15 Teddy

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⚜️POV: Elijah⚜️

It's been 3 years.....oh Merlin times really fly like a blink of an eye. I never thought that I would ever be in this point of my life. I look at the ring box on my hand and then look at the sleeping form of Harriet in our bed. I put the ring on the closet , go to the kitchen and starts to make breakfast for us. Blood bag for me and pasta for Harriet.

I hear the footsteps coming to kitchen

Elijah: oh Merlin finally you are awake.

I said that jokely and she glare at me and say

Harriet: Goodmorning to you too and what do you mean "finally I'm awake" don't you see how tired I was last night and ho....

I intervines and say

Elijah: breakfast is ready.

Harriet: Really what you cook today.

When she was about to touch pan I slap her hand and say

Elijah: First brush your teeth and wash your hands.

Harriet: Is that really necessary?

Elijah: it is.

Harriet: but I'm hungrrrrrryyyyy...

Elijah: I don't care go and wash your hands and brush your teeth.

I pointed at the bathroom and she roll her eyes and say

Harriet: Ok mom.

I starts to put the food in plates. Few minutes later Harriet comes back from bathroom and shows her hands to me.

Harriet: you like it now.

I pointed at her hand and say

Elijah: hmm... I think 0.1 percent germs is still left here.

She scowl at me and say

Harriet: listen Mr.OCD I don't give a fuck...

Elijah: language please Miss Potter this indecent words doesn't suit lady like you.

She roll her eyes

Harriet: let me complete....where I was... ah I don't give a fuck about my hand is clean, I brush my teeth or not.The only thing I care about is my food so better not come between us.

I get closer to her and say

Elijah: Are you threatening me?

Harriet: Yes I am now go out of my way.

Elijah: I am not even in your way.

Harriet: Whatever.

She then stormed to kitchen island,sit in the seat and starts to eat the pasta like she have not eat anything for years.

Elijah: Please leave something for me too.

I starts to drink blood from my blood bag and she look at me and say

Harriet: you are drinking blood.

Elijah: but I made the food and atleast I deserve a bite from it.

She give me her evil smirk and say

Harriet: You should have thought about that before pissing me off.

Elijah: Wow so mature of you.

Before we start our " petty" fight as our friends call it we hear sound of someone knocking at the window.

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