Chapter 22: Nightmare.

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⚜️POV: Harriet⚜️
It's been one week since I decided to take break from work and the nightmares is also not coming. Maybe all the nightmares I am getting is because of the stress from hospital but it doesn't matter now but I still have questions why I have these ability of seeing death I don't even have all deadly hallows. I need to talk to Sirius about this .

Harriet: hey kids!

All of them running out of where they were and coming to me.

Henrik: what happened mommy.

Harriet: we are going to grandpa paddy home.

Kids: yes!

Harriet: get ready fast we will go in 5 minutes.

They runs to their room to get ready and when they come out we go to the fireplace.

Harriet: Remember while using the power we will say Grimmauld Palace and especially you James no mischief or you will found yourself in unknown place.

James: yes momma.

Harriet: Ok one by one you will go first....

Lily: I will go I will go!

Harriet: ok lily remember what we have to say

She nodded at me and throw the floo powder in it and say.

Lily: Grimmauld Palace.

A green light come from fireplace and lily get vanish on it.

Harriet: Henrik it your turn now.

Henrik: yes mommy.

He go to the fireplace, throw the floo powder and say

Henrik: Grimmauld Palace

Like lily he get vanish too.

I look at James and say

Harriet: James it your turn now.

He look at me and give me a sweet innocent smile which melt my heart.he go to fireplace, throw the power and say

James: Grandpa Paddy home.

Harriet: James!!!

Before I can scold him he already gone from here. I control my anger and go to fireplace and throw the floo powder and say

Harriet: Grimmauld Palace.

And I found myself there and thanks Merlin James is also there. I go to him and say

Harriet: If you did this again I will never allow you to travel with it again.

He look at me innocently and say

James: Sorry mommy.

I hear someone laughing.

Sirius: Pup he is just a kid it was just a prank.

James: Yes grandpa paddy give me this idea.

Harriet: Sirius!

Antoinette: Hey sweetie how are you?

She say that and hug me.

Harriet: I'm fine aunty Antoinette. Where is lily and Henrik?

Antoinette: lily flower is playing with her new dolls and Henrik go straight to library to read some new books I brought.

I roll my eyes and say

Harriet: You are going to spoil them  with all these dolls and books.lily already have hundreds of them and Henrik don't even read and touch a book again when he gets bored from it.

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