Chapter:3 London

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⚜️Grimmauld Place⚜️
     POV: No one

Elijah, Antoinette and Sirius is standing outside the apartment building.

Sirius: So Elijah do you like our home.

After staring at the building for few seconds.

Elijah: wait you own this whole apartment building.

Sirius: yesn't

Elijah look at Sirius with confused expression.

Antoinette: honey stop confusing the poor man. Elijah yes we own this whole thing but this is not really a apartment building.

Now Elijah looks even more confuse.

Sirius: Now who is confusing the "poor man".

Antoinette rolls her eyes at that.

Antoinette: Well Elijah to find out we will like you to come to our house.

When they enter the house everything change. Few seconds ago from outside it looks like a apartment building but from inside it is a huge manor.

️⚜️ POV: Elijah⚜️

This is what they are talking about this is the most magical thing I have seen in a last few months.Then out of nowhere a strange creature come in front of us.

The Creature: Kreacher will like to welcome Master and Mistress.

Then the creature kneel in his knees in front of them.When the creature look at him.Suddenly I can see the change in his demeanor and out nowhere a knife appear in his hand and the creature was about to attack me but Sirius stops him.

Sirius: What are you doing you stupid elf.

The Creature: A bloodsucker is inside this house Kreacher will kill him.

Then he again try to attack me this time Antoinette stop him.

Antoinette: Kreacher did you forget I'm a vampire too.

The Creature: Ofcourse not mistress but not every bloodsuckers are kind like you, I don't trust him he can hurt you'll .

Antoinette: But we do trust him and he will not harm anyone.

The Creature huff in disappointment.

Sirius: Hey Oldman where are the kids?

Kreacher growl at that.

The Creature: The older brat is not at home right now and the littlest brats is playing with his evil playmate.

I can hear the small footsteps,two kids comes out of the one with blue hair and other with blonde hair.Smile appears in thier face and one of them starts running and hug Sirius and Antoinette.

The blue hair kid:mum dad I miss you so much.

The blonde kid: I miss you two too but I guess I am not your favourite nephew that's why I get no huggies ( proceed to wipe his fake tears).

Then Sirius and Antoinette smirks at each other and hugs him too then the blonde kid starts to get away with them.

The other kid: Eww stay away from me I was just kidding and you both are smelling so bad. go and take bath first then you'll get privileged to hug The Marco Malfoy you both got it.

Sirius and Antoinette:Yeeessss.

I smile at the whole bonding movement happening in front of me then I feel that someone is staring at me from behind and I look around and see the blue hair kid came closer me.

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