Chapter:9 Christmas part -2

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⚜️POV: Elijah⚜️

I have been searching for Harriet for like 15 minutes and God knows where she is. When I was about to go to the living room I bumped into a ginger hair man which I notice was not here when I arrived first.

???: Hey man look where you are going will you?

Elijah: yeh I am sorry for bumping into you mate.

???: no need to apologise mate and it's Christmas, this is the day to spread happiness.

Then gingerhead starts laughing and few minutes later he look at me with a recognisenable expression and say

???: You are Elijah Morgan if I'm not wrong?

Elijah: uhmm Yes that's me.

And he smirks at me and said.

???: You have been quite famous around our friends and family for few months.

Elijah:uu...well It is nice to know I'm popular..uummmm... listen mate I'm not trying to be rude but who the hell you are?

He suddenly starts to laugh like a Santa Claus and say

???: I forgot to introduce myself I'm Ron Weasley and nice to meet you mate.

Then he put his hand forward for a handshake and we shake our hands.

???: Ron what are you doing here everyone is asking for you in the living room.

A pretty brown hair women called him and he smiled at her and say.

Ron: Mione , I want you to meet someone.

And he grab her hand and take her where he standing just moments ago.

Ron: Moine this is Elijah and Elijah this is my wife.

Then the lady look at me and then Ron and smiles at me and say.

Moine: I am Hermione Granger Weasley and you are the infamous Elijah who have won the heart of our Harriet if I'm not wrong.

She was smirking at me and I just want to jump out of the window and lock myself in my apartment.

Before my face turned red with all the remarks about me and Harriet. Hermione says

Hermione: you don't have to act so clueless about it everyone in this house right now knows about you two.

And then Ron say.

Ron: And even if we don't know you personally the Black's trust you enough to let you stay with them for months and Teddy clearly likes you which is green flag on it's own.

When ron was saying this Hermione looked suprised and then his expression changed and he say.

Ron: But..

Hermione takes her palm in her face in dismay and she muttered.

Hermione: And I was thinking how he suddenly change his mind.

Which Ron didn't hear.

Ron:.. that's doesn't mean you have pass my test yet you know I have known her since we were 11 years old and she is my sister with everything but blood. I have been protecting her from boys who think they are eligible for her so what's so good about you to....

He was about to say much more but Hermione shut him with her hand .
And she smiles at me and say

Hermione: Ronald we should go everyone is waiting for us.

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