Chapter:4 Nice to meet you

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⚜️ POV: Harriet ⚜️

Today uncle Sirius and aunt Antoinette  is returning from America after spending 5 months there.I am glad that they are coming back,Taking care of teddy on my own is hard job but as his godmother and sister it is my responsibility.

Right now I'm sitting in a bar owned by my enemy turn friend Draco Malfoy.I don't know how things between us change but I guess it's starts with the growing friendship between our brothers.I always came here after the end of my shift in St Mungo hospital to ease up myself with butterbeer, the best drink in the world. Whenever I have time I always play piano here it is kind of becoming a side business for me but joke aside i geniunly enjoy playing piano and it's help me ease up from all the problems and sometimes if people like it they even give me money as reward to show their appreciation for the music.

After finishing my drink I went to play piano and sit on the piano stool.At first
I was playing the popular classic pieces I usually play but after few minutes later I starts to play my own compose piece but no one really pays attention on that I was kind of disappointed maybe people prefer something popular than someone new or they have their own personal shit going on ,Oh Merlin who knows.

I notice one familiar figure and he is...... Sirius and then I stand up and starts to walk to him. a guy was in front of me I told him to move aside and then I suprise Sirius with a hug and in return he hug me too.

Harriet:Why don't you call me or send me a letter when you arrive.

Sirius: because I want to surprise you pup.are you not happy to see me.

Harriet: ofcourse not paddy but If you have called me I would have come home.

Sirius: I really don't want to miss my princess playing piano especially when she plays her own song.

Harriet: You notice that.

Sirius: How will I not notice that when you played it so beautifully.

I starts to laugh

Harriet: How is aunt Antoinette.

Sirius: Why don't you ask yourself let's go to home but before that I want you to meet someone.
He is Elijah Morgan.

Then I saw this Elijah guy he is 6 feet tall and have brunette hair and dark brown eyes and apparently he is handsome too I tried to not blush infront of him."control yourself Harriet control your can't have crush on someone you saw just 3 second ago".ok I should introduce myself.

Harriet: Hello my name is Harriet Potter nice to meet you.

⚜️ POV:Elijah ⚜️

Her name is pup? why she is calling Sirius "paddy"? she call Antoinette her aunt? did Sirius know her why he wants to take her home?

Before anymore questions arise in my head Sirius introduce me to her.

Sirius: This is Elijah Morgan .

Pup?:Hello my name is Harriet Potter.

Harriet is her name.

Elijah: Hello Harriet I'm Elijah nice to meet you too.

Then I take her hand and kiss it.
A shade of red appears on her cheeks and I hear a growl coming from somewhere and someone cough.

Sirius: Too much meeting you two can introduce each other at home now and I don't think anyone will like to meet a angry Antoinette.

⚜️ Few minutes later⚜️
        Grimmauld Place
     ⚜️ POV: Harriet ⚜️

Few minutes later when we arrived at home it takes me no time to give a huge hug to Aunt Antoinette. I guess I really miss her so much and I really miss the tasty food she made.

Antoinette(laugh) : Aww Sweety you really miss me huh.

Harriet:You can not imagine how much I miss you.

Marco: yeah but I miss them both more than you.

Harriet:Why you always have to spoil any bonding movement.

Marco: I didn't spoil it I just say facts and I never get hugs like you give Teddy, aunt and uncle whenever you came back from long trip and.....

I give him bone crushing hug

Marco: ....hey stay away from me I am just kidding why today everyone just want to hug me?

Teddy: you ask for it mate.

Marco: I was just joking oh gosh now a days no one understands a simple sacar.. risn..carsam.

Teddy: A what?

Marco: Oh whatever Harriet can you please call my brother by blood only to pick me up for home.

Harriet: hmmm why not.

Teddy: hey mate we have some more time to play so come to my room.

Then Teddy and his buddy runs backs to his room.

Antoinette: Ok now everyone is here I should put the dinner on the table so everyone wash your hands.

"Yes ma'am" all three of us say it together.

While we are eating dinner then I noticed that Elijah was drinking blood alongside Aunt Antoinette hmmm so he is a vampire .

Harriet: Elijah.

He look at me and I stay silent for a second.

Harriet : umm you are the famous vampire my aunt have been helping for months.

He gave a small smile and say

Elijah: she did and I am really grateful for that.

We smiled and look at eachother eyes for time to time during the dinner one time we stare at each other for too long and then I hear someone coughing.

Sirius: you can have the staring contest after finishing the dinner.

And the whole dinner we avoid to look at eachother.

Few times later I go to balcony to get some fresh air.

I can feel someone standing next to me.

⚜️ POV: Elijah ⚜️

I just don't count how many times I secretly look at Harriet I notice that sometimes she also look at me and for a few minutes we look at eachother for too long and Sirius being Sirius spoil the whole moment.

Elijah: I think I will go outside to get my night walk and refresh my mind.

Antoinette: But don't be outside for too long.

I nodded.

When I was about to go outside I noticed someone standing in the balcony..
That is Harriet. I go to the there and stand beside her.

She then look at me suprised.

Harriet: hey.

Elijah: hey.

Author Note: happy new year to you all I know I am two day late but still I would like to wish you all to have a  good 2024.

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