Chapter:12 Ghost of past.

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⚜️POV: Elijah⚜️

One month ago Harriet and I accepted the invitation from Ben to perform in the music festival and here we are in New Orleans staying in a hotel.

Even though I and Harriet perform in front of people many times in bar but performing in front of a huge whole crowd is just another thing. We also met other artists and they are really talented and it's good to listen different
style of music from them but one thing have been distracting me since I have been here.

This place, it's felt really familiar like I have been here before or maybe I indeed have before I lose my memories but not only that I can feel a weird connection from this place just so familiar. I was lost in my mind then I feel Harriet standing beside me.

Harriet: Elijah what happened?

Elijah: No nothing.

Harriet: Elijah is something going on in your mind?

She put her hand on my hand

Elijah: It really nothing just thinking about our performance.

I squeeze her hand in assurance but she look at me with her "I know you are lying" look.

I huff and said

Elijah: Ever since I put my foot in this city I felt a familiar connection.

I look at her and she is listening to me very carefully

Elijah: like I have been here before but don't worry when I first came to London I had the same feeling.

She put her hand on my cheeks and say

Harriet: Elijah, do you remember the first time we met I told you that whenever if you have any problem then you can talk to me as a friend.
It's been one year since that day, I know for some people opening up can be hard but it can release the load of thoughts and feeling which you have been hiding .I can assure you that from my personal experiences. So please whenever something going inside your mind you can share with me.

I just look at her with aww and when she stop talking I say

Elijah: Thank you.

Harriet: for what?

Elijah:For being my guardian angel.

She smiles at me and peck on my lips

Harriet: Thanks for the compliment but that was really cheesy.

Elijah:No offence but I learn that from you.

She look at me with really look and say

Harriet: Oh please I don't really speak like that.

I gave her teasing smile and say

Elijah: You always do that when you tried to flirt with me.

Harriet: I know I'm not a good flirt but I definitely don't speak like that.

Elijah: you did

Harriet:I don't!

She throws a pillow and me I catch it easily and throw directly on her face. She stay still for a second and then look at me with challenging look and starts throw pillows at me but I dodge it easily.

Elijah:Miss Potter you know that you can't win.

Harriet: Wanna bet.

She again starts to throw pillows at me

Elijah: I don't want to see you cry when you lose darling. I'm saying this for your own good.

Harriet: Hey you are are cheater.

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