Chapter 21: Salvatore boarding school

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⚜️POV: Teddy⚜️

It's been 3 days since I came to mystic falls. I personally find nothing fascinating here. It's just a small town with only one restaurant here....go Merlin I'm hungry. When will we arrive to that bloody school.

Teddy: Dean did we arrive there.

Dean: Have patience Teddy it will take just 5 minutes to arrive there.

Marco: You have been saying that for 15 minutes.

Few minutes later finally we saw a house and a big board was attached to it and"Salvatore boarding school" is written on it.

Teddy: This house is that Salvatore school?

Dean: Yeah.

Marco: Why the hell will anyone even turn their house into a school with bunch of annoying devil spawn.

Teddy: Well Hogwarts is a freaking castle.

When we enter the school I can feel multiple magic coming from it.
I look at Marco and say.

Teddy: Can you feel this the magic.

Marco: I can it's alot different than ours.

I notice that many people were watching us.

Teddy: Marco they are staring at us.

Marco: Of course they will afterall how handsome I am.

Dean: Stop fooling yourself they are just curious about your magic not you.

We entered the corridor and then Dean know at a door and a man say

???: Come in.

We enter the room and the man was sitting in the chair. I look at  the nameplate on the table... "Alaric Saltzman" was written on it. So he is the headmaster of this school.

He look at us with a polite smile

Dean: I'm Dean Thomas.

Alaric: Mr.Thomas if I'm not wrong you are a auror.

Dean: Yes.

Dean look at us and say

Dean: This is Edward Lupin Black and This is Marco Malfoy.

Alaric: Oh the researchers. I'm Alaric Saltzman the headmaster of this school.

We shake our hands with him.

Teddy: Nice to meet you Mr Saltzman.

Alaric: I hope you will enjoy your stay in here how about we first explore the school first.

Alaric starts to show us the school and different classrooms for different activities. The rooms look like what normal muggle school ones look. When he take us to the sport's room There was a girl and boy who looks as the same age as me. They are exchange something. It's a bag

When I look at Alaric he looks angry.

Alaric: Hope Henry what's going on here.

Hope: umm nothing.

Alaric go to where they were standing and take the bags from their hand and when he open it he found money and blood?

I whisper to Marco

Teddy: I think we should go out from here.

Marco: No way I'm going. after the long boring day I'm finally seeing something entertaining.

Alaric notice our conversation and look at us and say

Alaric: Sorry for the disturbance there is some issue I have to deal with.

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