Chapter:20 kids.

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⚜️ Five Years later⚜️
          POV: Elijah

It's been 5 years since I got my precious sons and not even a year later we got bless with a daughter, Lily Freya Potter Morgan. She look just like mini Harriet but with my eyes and curly ginger hair.

Lily: daddy! Jamie is making fun of me again.

And here we go...

She comes to me with teary eyes and hugs me.

James: Dad I swear I am not I was just com..le..compl

Henrik: complementing

James: complementing her that her hair look like a bird nest.

He say that with a smirk

Lily: he iz making fun of me again!

Elijah: James you realise that you have curly hair too.

James: but mine is work of art.

I roll my eyes and say

Elijah: James apologise to your sister.

James: I'm sor.....ry I'm really really so...............ry.

So dramatic

Lily: I didn't hear it.

Elijah: lily.

She sigh and say

Lily: It's ok

Henrik: Now why don't you two hug each other to make peace.

Both of them glare at Henrik until James finally embrace lily. When they break the hug James look at lily show his tongue at her to mock her.

Lily: Daddy!

Before I can say anything James runs out of the room.

Henrik: Don't take him seriously lily he likes to have attention that's why he do that just ignore him.

James: Traitor!

He shouted that from other room

Henrik: And you have beautiful curls just like mommy and birds nest are beautiful just like your hair. Even James is indirectly calling you beautiful.

James: No I'm not!!!

Henrik: Ignore him.

Lily hugs Henrik tightly and say

Lily: You are the best brother in the world Henry.

He hugs her back.

Elijah: Now who is going to eat ice cream.

Lily: me!!!

Henrik: me too.

James runs out of the other room

James: Me three!

Lily: Bad kids don't deserve ice cream.

James: Blah blah...

Elijah: If you both will again starts to fight none of you will get icecream.

Both of them groan and stay silent until I gave everyone of them thier favourite flavour icecream.

Henrik: daddy.

Elijah: Yes Henrik.

Henrik: When momma is going to comeback?

Elijah: She will in few hours.

I hear the door bell ringing . When I open the door it's none other than

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