Chapter:2 my name....?

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⚜️POV: Elijah⚜️

It's been 3 months since I have been start living with the Blacks.I don't know how it's happen but Antoinette or "Mrs.Black" as Sirius told me to  call her starts mentoring me to control my "gifts" and I just often comes to their home regularly and sometimes even stay there at night and now I'm practically living with them ha.
   While my training continues I also get to know that I'm not only a vampire but a unhang one at it. Apparently I'm a Ripper and that's why I just can't control my blood lust.
From that day Antoinette starts to help me to control my hunger so that I don't rip the head of my "food".
  Sirius at first was not so happy with my arrival in his home but as time went things between us became cool and I became his "drinking buddy" but one day my hunger win and I tried to drink from him and yeah... he still talks to me but he maintain a safe distance from me for his own safety.

And yesss not only vampires exists but also witches, wizards there is also their own world too,dragons also exists and right now I am drinking a dragon blood and both Black's are talking about me?

Sirius: Are you saying he will come with us to London(stares at her) babe did you lost your mind.

Antoinette: So what do you want me to leave him all alone and by the way it will easy to get dragon blood from London then New York.

Sirius: I'm not saying that to leave him all alone but taking him to London is not the best idea what if he can't control himself and attack the kids.

Antoinette: Elijah have been improved alot to control his blood lust and our kids are powerful enough to
protect themselves.

Sirius: but still I can't risk it.

Elijah: Hey guys it's ok you both already did enough for me and I am glad about it and I think it's time for my exit.

Sirius:Hey mate it's not like...

⚜️Elijah leaves⚜️

It's hurts a little bit that they don't want me but hey I'm not a kid and apparently I'm a 25 years old grown up man living freely in their house.
Right now I have no home and I have been sitting in the bar for few hours.

I can hear a chair sound and someone is sitting next to me.

Sirius: hey mate

Elijah:oh Sirius

Sirius: I dont...I want to apologise to you I'm sorry that you leave the house because of me.

Elijah: hey mate it's ok I am glad that you let me live with you both and you don't have to apologise for that... hey what is this.

Sirius give me a little dairy like thing to me

Sirius: This is a passport and you are coming with us to London.

Elijah: What?

Sirius: hey don't act so shocked ordering dragon blood for you from Romania was hurting my bank balance and getting it from London will be less costly and I hate to admit it but I think I like your company enough to tolerate you.

Elijah hugs Sirius.

Sirius: hey mate easy maybe I am a wizard but I have durability same as a dumbass muggle.

Elijah: I just can't thank you enough and I give you my words that in future if you need me I can do anything for you.

Sirius: hahahaha you don't need to be so sentimental mate.

⚜️Few hours ago⚜️
     POV: Sirius

Antoinette: Wonderful now he leaves the house because of you.

Sirius: Hey I don't do anything.

Antoinette: if you have not said that things he would have never left.

Sirius (frustrated):Ok why are you making  so much fuss about him. As much as you have told me about him he is a original vampire who used to wear suit and tie and he is known to be a noble brother.I don't understand why you care about him so much did both of you have any past? please tell me even if you had I don't care I will never judge you we promise each other that we will never hid things about each other so please.

Sirius hold her hands and he notice tears coming from her eyes and coming down to her cheeks. he wipes it from his thumb and hold her face in his hand.

Sirius: Please.

There was silence for few seconds.

Antoinette: You remember I told you about my abusive parents and how they controlled my life and never let me leave them and one day one man help me to escape that hell.

Whenever she told about her parents it's boil my blood how veil a parents can be to her own child.

Sirius: hmm

He hold her hand even tighter to comfort her.

Antoinette: It was Elijah who helped me.

Oh fuck fuck how stupid I was without knowing anything I was so cold to him.

There was a long silence.

Antoinette: Si.. Sirius.

Sirius: hey I'm so sorry I was behaving like a big jerk.

Antoinette: no Sirius it was my fault too if I have told you about him at start then this mess would never happened.

Then he suddenly stand up and starts going somewhere.

Antoinette: hey where are you going?

Sirius:To find him?

Antoinette: how will you know where he is?

Sirius: You remember we were drinking buddies and mostly homeless men are always found to be in bar so he is also there.

Antoinette hugs him

Sirius(chuckle): hey easy love you have to let me go so that I can find him before the flight and can you pack my bags too I don't want to live here for one more day.

⚜️Present ⚜️

Elijah open his passport and the first thing he saw was his name

Elijah Morgan

Then he looks at Elijah.

Sirius: You don't like your new name?

Elijah: No it's perfect just the name looks familiar.

Sirius: oh I don't really have any time so the first name that's comes in mind was Elijah.

Elijah: Is there any story why this name came first in your mind

Sirius: Oh it was the name of my dead dog.

Elijah looks offended by it.

Sirius: mate I was just kidding now get your ass from the chair and we have to go to airport before we get late.

⚜️Few hours later in London ⚜️
      POV: Elijah

London that's where we are right now and.... It's look familiar. It's feels like I have been here a few time but this is the first time I came here.

Sirius: Hey mate what happened.

Elijah: Oh just..nothing.

Author Note :
In previous chapter I said that I will introduce Harriet and teddy but I wanted to make a strong bond between Elijah and the blacks. So in the next chapter I will introduce them.

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