Chapter:16 Proposal

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⚜️POV: Elijah⚜️

Everything will be fine..... everything will be fine.....all is well...all is well.

My dead heart is beating in million seconds... I just can't describe how I am feeling right now I look at the ring on my palm...

I can do this I have been planning for this for months I have to.

Draco: Morgan???

Elijah: Draco.

Draco: Are you fine?

Elijah: umm huh yes I am... Why are you asking this?

Draco: Because you are standing like a statue and staring at the ring for quite some times.

Elijah: oh I did?

Draco nodded at him and he say

Draco: If am not wrong you are finally asking her.

Elijah: Asking her what?

He rolled his eyes and mutter

Draco:"both moron deserve eachother"

Elijah: Are you calling me a moron?

Draco sigh and mutter

Draco:"bloody hell fuck super hearing"

I raise my eyebrows and he give me a tight smile and say

Draco: No offence I am just saying that are you finally going to ask Harriet to marry you?

When I was about to answer him but someone interrupt us.

Ron: Hey mates how you two are doing?

Draco made a irritated face and give his best fake smile to him

Draco: What are you doing here weasle? If I remember correctly you are not a day drinker type.

Ron: I am not here for drinks but I will not mind if you have butterbeer in your menu ferret.

Draco: Matthew!

Draco call one of the waiter and give him order to bring drinks for us.

Ron: So... I hear you too are talking about marriage.

Elijah: ohhh I was thinking to ask Harriet to marry me.

Ron smirk and say

Ron: so finally it's happening everyone have waited for this moment.

Draco look at him amuse and say

Draco: I really expected you to show some tantrum.

Ron ignore him and look at me and say

Ron: How you are planning to propose her. I mean we can give some suggestions.

Draco: I can't believe I am saying this but I agree with weasle on that.

This was one of the rarest moment when they both agree on something.

Elijah: I really appreciate both of your help, few minutes ago I was just thinking about how I am going to do this.

Draco: You and Potter can go to dinner in a expensive restaurant and after dinner you can ask her to marry you.

Ron look at Draco and say

Ron: Didn't you propose Astoria the same way?

Draco: hmmm you are actually right.

Ron: Malfoy can you be more creative. Elijah How about....hmmm... you propose her like muggles do in thier muggle movies.

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