Chapter:11 Festival.

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⚜️POV: Elijah⚜️

It's been 5 months since Harriet and I have starts dating.I still remember everyone's reaction when we first declare that we are in relationship. Antoinette and Molly was very happy for us,Teddy was excited that I will come back to live with them only if he knew I'm not,her friends was nothing but supportive for us, Kreacher and Draco care less about whoever she dates but if we take talks about Ron and Sirius their reactions was not that pleasing that's all I will say.

Right now I'm laying on my double bed, beside me is Harriet. Our clothes are all over the bedroom.Her head laying on my chest, listening my slow heartbeat from my not so undead heart and my hand on her head caressing her hair we stay like this for an hour after making love.She then look at the clock and say

Harriet: I should go.

When she was about to get up from the bed I grab her hand and pull her close to me and say

Elijah: Can't you just stay today.

Harriet: If I don't have work than I would have definitely stayed but you know I have to go.

I look at her with my best "puppy" like expression and she laughed at me and say.

Harriet: Mr.Morgan this cheap tricks don't work at me even though you are very handsome and good looking guy this expression don't suit you.

When she again tried to escape from me I trap her between my arm and say.

Elijah: oh really?

I say that with a smirk

Harriet: Oh yes and you also have a job so we better get ready or we will hear rant from our respective bosses.

She then release herself from my grip and when she was about to go to the bathroom she turn around and look at me and say

Harriet: You can join me if you like.

I smile at her and say

Elijah:If a beautiful woman is inviting me then I should not decline the offer.

She chuckled and we proceed to go to the bathroom.

Oh god I love this women.

️⚜️Few minutes later⚜️

Until she gets ready for the work,I starts to make breakfast.When she was ready I put the plates on the kitchen island for us and put the breakfast on it. She take a bite and say.

Harriet: Damn this is really delicious are sure you was not a chef before you lose your memories.

Elijah: Maybe,I was or not only god knows it.

Harriet: oh I forgot to tell you I have longer shift today and Sirius and Antoinette are going to a party will you please pick me.

Elijah: Ofcourse darling as you wish.

After this I lockup my apartment and give lift to Harriet to the hospital I then go to the bar.

When there was not many costumers on the bar I volunteer to help the other staff to set up the chairs and other necessary things.

Later when the more costumer starts to appear I not only play the piano but also sing some songs which they demanded.One even ask

???: Where is your partner mate?

And I say

Elijah:She have others things to do too by the why you are asking about her?

I look at him suspiciously and he say

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