Chapter:6 Moving out

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⚜️ Three months later ⚜️
      POV: Antoinette

It's been three months since Elijah come into the life of the black family All the family members like him especially Teddy and Harriet.While Sirius pretend to dislike him deep down Elijah has made a soft spot in his "black" heart he knows if he will not behave then he will not going sleep in his bed for few days and Kreacher also "trying" hard to not show his dislike of Elijah and now he only threatened him one day in a week which is a good progress in the last three months.

Antoinette: Babe wake up it's morning now.

Sirius: Stfu it's 4 am let me sleep.

Antoinette: You have to pick up Harriet from the hospital her shift is over.

Sirius: She is not a kid she can come on her own.

Antoinette: If you are not going then I can ask Elijah to pick her.

He then suddenly wake up from his bed go straight to bathroom and get ready to pick up Harriet from the hospital.

Antoinette: Sirius were you are going you really need to take your beauty sleep.

Sirius: I have a lot of time to sleep but my pup security is my first priority.

Then Sirius left the room.

I also left the room and go to the living room.

️⚜️ Living room ⚜️
        POV:No one

Antoinette: Good morning Kreacher, have you make my morning coffee.

Kreacher: Good morning mistress your special blood coff... I mean morning coffee is ready I hope you like it.

Elijah enters the living room

Antoinette: Goodmorning Elijah.

Elijah: Goodmorning to both of you.
So what is the today's plan.

Antoinette: Sirius and I are going to meet the orphanage kids. What's your plan.

Elijah: I have planned to find job and my own place to live.

Antoinette:Is it necessary for you to move out from here.

Elijah: Antoinette I really like this place but I think now I have overstayed here and you have already done so much for me I'm just moving out from here not from you'll life.

Antoinette: Promise me you will often come here especially at Sunday.

He smiles and said.

Elijah:I will.

Kreacher: shit

Antoinette (glare at him): Kreacher..

Kreacher: We will miss you sucke...Elijah.

Teddy: Where is Elijah going?

Kreacher: Elijah is moving out from here.

Teddy looks at him with his teary eyes.

Teddy:Why? You don't like to live with us.

Kreacher roll his eyes and said.

Kreacher:Stop crying drama queen he is just leaving this house for good.....uhhh to be independent. Unfortunately he will comeback time to time.

Teddy looks at Elijah and said

Teddy: You will come back

Elijah:I will

Teddy: Cross you heart

Elijah looks at him cross his heart and smile.

Then Sirius enters the room with a very asleep Harriet in his arms.

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