Chapter:10 New year

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⚜️ POV: Elijah⚜️

Today is the first day of the year and the bar is filled with the people, there is high demand to play their favourite songs, everyone is laughing and enjoying their drinks with their friends and family.

The Weasley's have invite me to their house for new year celebration.When I look at the clock there is still  time left until then I starts to play piano to entertain my listeners.

Draco: Hey Morgan I think you should take a break you have been playing for a while

I can hear people some people muttering which I assume is the staff members

???:when we sit for a second he starts to freak like the world will gets destroyed.

???:hmm you're right he is a asshole.

Which Draco clearly didn't hear.

Elijah: No boss I'm fine I can play for some more times.

Draco  pats my back and go back to his office to do whatever he was doing.

When I gets bored after playing for hours I go to the bar section to have some drink.

Few minutes later I can hear someone playing the piano and when I look there not to my suprised it was none other than Harriet and she was playing Auld lang syne by Mariah Carey.

Throughout the whole song I was just observing her and drinking my drink.

Then someone out of nowhere say

???: You should stop staring at her like a creep.

His voice sounds familiar, when I turn around it was non other than Ron and besides him was Sirius.

Oh god please send someone to save me.

Elijah: I'm not staring at her.

Ron: From your face, the way you are looking at her I can clearly say you are staring at her.

Elijah: I was just admiring the way she was playing you know I'm a musician and I observe how another person are playing a instrument.

Ron: I don't care you are still staring at her.

Before he could say anything Sirius interrupt him and say.

Sirius: Can we just stop talking about this you two can argue later we came here to have some drinks let's have it. today the drink is from me I will pay the bill drink how much you want.

Draco came from god knows where and say

Draco: If you two really want to sleep outside the bedroom, then black you can drink how much you like...
Hey! don't get down now

Draco saw some drunk college girls climbing in the bar's table and he is trying to get them  down.

Both Sirius and Ron have second thought before deciding to drink with  limits. A while later things around us became cool and we starts to talk about random things . I don't know why due to my curiosity I ask them

Elijah:Why you two are afraid of your wife.

Both Ron and Sirius look at him and starts laughing.

Sirius: When you will get married than you'll get your answer.

Today I realise that it's not really that bad spending time with them when they are not threatening me.

I notice that the music is stopped playing and  Harriet was sitting at the piano seat and she was thinking about something , I go there and decides to make her aware of my presence ,I make a fake cough sound which make her look at me and I say.

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