Chapter:17 Wedding

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⚜️ Grimmauld place ⚜️
        POV: Harriet

Oh Merlin only 1 week is left for my wedding and everything is just.... Chaos.

Hermione: Harry only one week is left  and you didn't even buy your wedding dress!!!!!!!

Ginny: did you even understand how big matter it is!!

I cringe at that and say

Harriet: Can you two stop shouting.

Hermione: We will when you will take all of this seriously.

Harriet: I'm serious and you are just over reacting.

Ginny rolls her eyes and say

Ginny: did you even have any idea how long it takes to find a perfect wedding dress.

Hermione: It took me 3 months to find my dress after searching the whole United Kingdom..!!!

Harriet: Girls just chill.

Parvati: Chill?

Padma: are you serious?

Harriet: uhhhh ok today I will go for my wedding dress shopping....

They all huff in relief

Harriet:...If I get leave from hospital.

Out of nowhere they starts to hit me with pillows and whatever things comes on their hands right now.

Harriet: ouch that's hurt. I was just kidding non of you have any sense of humour.

Padma: So we are going for shopping?

Parvati: Ofcourse she will. You will right.

Everyone is looking at me and I feel I starts to sweat. I sigh in defeat and I say

Harriet: Yes.

Hermione: I'm going to call Antoinette and Molly to come with us.

I don't know why I'm getting the feeling that today is going to be a tiring day.

⚜️ Few minutes later ⚜️

When I was going to downstairs, someone grab me and take me to a abondand room in just a second.

Harriet: What the hell!!!

Elijah: it's me Hi.

Harriet: Oh Merlin you scared me to death.

He raise his eyebrow

Elijah: Really to death.

Harriet: it just a saying and why are you here?

Elijah: You are not happy to see me.

He touch his chest pretends to be hurt.

Harriet: Can you stop being a drama queen.

Elijah: I can't help it I learn it from you.

I roll my eyes at that and I take a long breath to control my irritation.

Harriet: Ok now can you please tell me what are you doing here.

He pulls me close to him and put his hands on my waist

Elijah: I really miss you.

Harriet: Aww my favourite Dracula miss me.

Suddenly he push me to wall and starts to kiss me. I kiss him back. I don't know how much time spends in our make out but our session ends when my phone starts to ring. I break the kiss and both of us look a little irritated by it. When I look at my phone to who is this and guess who it was.

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