chapter 18: Good news

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⚜️ France⚜️
  POV: Elijah

It's been 2 weeks since we came to France for our honeymoon . Everything looks like we are living in a la la land with no worry about life, there is just her and I .During our honeymoon most of the time we spend  traveling in the cities or in the bed.

Right now I am sitting in our bed. I look at her she is sleeping deeply after last night.When I observe her, her naked shoulder and back are painted by the sun light peaking from the curtains, her hair laying on the pillow as she sleep. I smiled at her and touch her with my fingure, tracing her spine with my light touch before laying again in the bed next to her, careful not to wake her ,I placed my arm around her waist were it belongs setting my head next to her on her pillow and taking in the smell of her shampoo as sleep took me once again.

Few minutes later when I wake again I notice it's 10 am now and Harriet is still asleep so I decide to wake her up.

Elijah: Harriet.

Harriet: mnnn... wat?

Elijah: dear wife you should wake up now.

Harriet: No... I just had a really good dream.

Elijah: it's 10 am now.

Harriet: so?

Elijah: Today is the last day of our stay why don't we go out to explore this city for one last time.

Harriet: But I'm tired and feeling very sleepy why don't we just stay in bed ..umm actually I'm feeling quite sore , you did this.

I smirk at that and say

Elijah: to be fair yesterday you provoke me.

She laughed at that and say

Harriet: how the hell I provoke you? Can't you just admit that you get jealous by a stranger talking to me.

Elijah: I am jealous? never.

Harriet: If you are not then I'm going to call that stranger to come with me......

Before she can complete her sentence I kiss her passionately and didn't give her chance to take breath. 10 minutes later I break the kiss and she is breathing heavily.

She put her evil smirk on her face and say

Harriet: See you are jealous.

Elijah: not jealous I'm just protective of you.

Harriet: Aww my husband is my hero but I promise Elijah I can protect myself.

Elijah: as much as I admire you for your bravery and confidence sometimes a little help can be useful.

She look at me with her challenging eyes

Harriet: time will tell about it.

Elijah: It will.

She then get off the bed naked and I just look at her.

Harriet: Don't get any idea I'm not in mood.

I sigh in disappointment.she then go straight to bathroom to get fresh up until then I order our breakfast.

⚜️Few minutes later⚜️

When Harriet came out of bathroom and get ready we starts to eat our breakfast then I hear her phone ringing.

Harriet: Have you seen my phone.

Elijah: Last time I remember it was in your purse.

She then pick her purse and pull out her phone from it and answer the call.

Enchanted | Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now