Chapter:24 Missing.

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⚜️POV: Hope⚜️

Returning to the Salvatore Boarding School after my suspension was surreal. The halls seemed quieter, the air heavier. The brief time away had been a wake-up call, but stepping back into the school felt like stepping into the eye of the storm but it still better than staying in New Orleans.

Situation in New Orleans is tense and I want to hit myself so hard. Because of me mom is missing and dad is not letting me help, Aunt Freya say no when I ask her  help to find mom and uncle kol don't want to be in this mess.

As I walked through the corridors, students greeted me, but I could sense their curiosity. My suspension had caused quite a stir. I finally spotted Teddy near the library, talking to Marco. They both looked up as I approached.

Hope: Hey, Teddy.

Teddy's face lit up with a smile.

Teddy: Hope! Welcome back.

Marco smirked and say

Marco: Looks like someone missed you.

I blushed slightly but tried to keep my composure.

Teddy: How was your suspension ?

Hope: Eventful I can say atleast. My Aunt Freya had a lot to say and mom....

Before I could respond, a cold shiver ran down my spine. Something was off, and I could sense it. Teddy noticed my change in demeanor immediately.

Teddy: What’s wrong?

Hope: I don’t know. I just have a bad feeling.

Marco: Maybe it happened because you are overthinking , what people will say about you for your suspension.

Hope: Maybe you are right.

I hear the bell ringing and students are going to their classes.

Hope: I should go now my class is going to start now.

Marco: You should bye.

Marco and Teddy wave bye at me and before going I turn around and say

Hope: Teddy.... Will you go to mystic grill with me for lunch.

Teddy: ummm

Marco: He will.

Teddy: I n...

Marco: He will now go to your class before your professor give you detention for coming late.

I chuckle at that and go to my class.

⚜️Few minutes later⚜️

On afternoon, as the sun stretched its lazy fingers across the sky, Teddy and I found ourselves at the Mystic Grill for lunch. It was an attempt at normalcy in a life that often teetered on the edge of chaos. The Grill buzzed with activity, its cozy booths filled with people escaping the mundane or embracing the supernatural quirks of Mystic Falls.

Teddy and I settled into a booth near the window, the warm afternoon light painting patterns on our table. He was engrossed in detailing his latest findings on Mystic Falls' mystical ecosystem, his passion for research evident in every word. For him, this was more than just a school project; it was a journey into the unknown, a quest for knowledge that bridged the gap between curiosity and understanding.

Teddy: So Hope...

Teddy began, looking up from his notes with a curious gleam in his eyes,

Teddy: tell me more about your family maybe I find one more supernatural creature to add in my project.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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