Chapter 1

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Nandini's pov

I love sunset's, it's not just the way the sky lights up and fills the sky with colours, but also the fact that it shows a new day is coming. With every sunset, a new day arises with new challenges but also new opportunities.

Ever day I sit in my balcony watching the sun set and every single day without fail I watch the moon arise from the exact same spot, it's honestly the only thing keeping me sane at this point.

Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is in this world because I haven't been able to figure it out yet, not sure if I will be able to int he future either. I mean I spent about 25 years of my life being caged in this room, not literally but maybe

It's not like I didn't have time to go anywhere but I was only allowed to go as far as the backyard which also stoped when my grandmother came to town, she has this vendetta against me for some odd reason

I was born and instantly half the heads turned away because I'm a girl, my mum on the other hand, she is my rock, my father well he is just that, a father but not a dad. Yes those two things mean different things for me, he is there but not in my heart

I have been homeschooled ever since I can remember, I have honestly always been homeschooled because boys are apparently bad but just for me. My older cousin, veebha, she is all over boys, her instagram is something I should show to her parents, but they will probably blame me for it anyways

No one in this family likes me well other than my brother abhimanyu and my mum they both make me happy.

"Hey shortie" I hear abhi's voice

"Hey, how was work?" I ask

He works at this architecture company, he c-owns it with cabir, who is Bhai's best friend.

"Hectic, turns out people can't fucking read" I giggle hearing him swear

I always find it so amusing that people swear, what can I say, I live a very sheltered life, not by my own will

"My head hurts so bad" he mumbles laying on my bed

"Do you want a massage?" I ask looking at him


I got up from the hammock in the balcony walking to my bed, I sat down and instantly abhi put a pillow on my lap laying his head on my lap

"We have someone moving in right next to us" he mumbles as I massage his head gently

"Who?" I ask

"The malhotra's" he mumbles

"That reminds me of your clients" I tell him

abhi and I talk a lot about his business so I know a few of his clients

"Well partners now" he says

"You guys are combining companies?" I ask

"Yeah, so he has branches of his company all over the country, mamba is the only place he didn't. Him and I played basketball together in college"

'So you guys are friends?"

"I wouldn't say best friend but he is a nice guy with some issues but yes"


'His family dynamic is weird but who am I to comment on that, ours is just as fucked up"

"Abhi hehe you can't swear"

"Hell I can, who is going to stop me?" He asks

"Me" I giggle

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