Chapter 5

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"Hiiii" she greets cabir and I

"Aren't you looking like a model" he comments making her giggle

"Thank you kind sir" she mumbles curtsying

"Stay near the three of us okay?" Abhi tells her like she is a kid

"Yes" she bobs her head like an infant

"I'll be right back" abhi says

"Did you want something to drink?" Cabir asks her

"No, I am full. You know I had a vanilla milkshake, abhi got me one and I almohad a chicken wrap, yummy"

"Argh now I am hungry" cabir says walking to the food counter making nandini laugh

"Hiiiiiii manik" she giggles poking my arm

"Excuse me"

"Hiii" she says again

"Hands away from me doll" I say pushing her hand away

Her eyes meet mine and I instantly look away

"Did I make you angry" she asks

"You don't mean anything to make me angry"

"True but you were nice earlier"

"That was earlier and now I am not so get over it"

"Thats rude" she says siting beside me

"Rude is my specialty"

"what are you drinking?"

"None of your concern" I say getting up

"Abhi said I can't be alone" she says grabbing my arm stopping me from leaving

"And how is that my problem?" I ask grabbing her arm off mine

"I will get lost" she says

"You aren't a child"

"No but"

i don't bother listening, I walk towards the stage when I see cabir and abhi getting up there.

"Hello everyone, welcome welcome. I hope you guys are having fun, we won't keep you guys too long but we do have an announcement" cabir says

"Thats right, everyone has been so curious about the construction and renovations going on. So everyone, Murthy's and malhotras are merging companies. Manik" abhi says giving me the microphone

the crowd cheers and I grab the microphone.

"Thank you everyone, I hope we can all work well together, even if we can't I am not leaving so"

Some chuckles and some laughs were heard

"He is funny" cabir says making me chuckle

"Enjoy everyone, get drunk and wasted but be at work on time"

"Just kissing you guys, tom we aren't working, day off tomorrow" abhi announces after

I grab a drink from the bar, nandini still sitting in the exact same spot I left her, she was clutching her dupata chewing on her lips, her eyes a little watery

"Whats wrong shortie?" Abhi asks coming up behind me

"I got scared" she whispers sticking to him

"What happened? Did someone say something?" He asks running his hand over her hair

she shakes her head holding onto his arm.

"She is dramatic" I mumble to cabir

"She is sensitive" he mumbles back

"Bhai" she whispers to abhi

"It's okay, come on let's go home" he says

As he takes her with him, I head out as well going home.

Honestly I don't even know if I should call it a home, it's so bland and non homely, I wish my father and mum were here, I miss them but I know they are enjoying themselves and that brings me happiness

Throwing my coat on the bed I make my way to the balcony, my eyes fall on the hammock that was still in her balcony, her lights on, her curtains open revealing abhimanyu sitting on her bed.

I peak in and see her sleeping with her head on his shoulder while he was on the phone.

Anger rushes in my veins for some reason, I don't know why but seeing her, seeing her being so still makes me angry. I am not sure if it's the fact that I let myself be nice to her or the fact that she reminds me of my one mistake.

The mistake that keeps on catching up to me, the one I can't seem to ignore for longer periods of time. Alia is the only mistake I have made, the love, well the thing I thought was love only destroyed me, so I know letting myself being open or nice to nandini only destroys me

"Why" I whisper to myself questioning why I was so nice to her

Sighing I go back in my room, after showering I was sitting on my bed with my laptop when I heard her voice making em look at the time to see it was 3 in the morning

I didn't even realize how long I had been working on this upcoming project until I looked at the time.

"Mumma I thought I was a good girl" I hear her

It's so concerning how close our balconies actually are, like I hear her talking in her room sometimes and it's weird to know she might hear me too

I put my laptop down and walk to my balcony doors standing against it with my back leaning on the door. The curtains were closed so I knew she didn't see me through the window on the door

"You said I have to listen and I do but everything is so bad. Everyone hates me, for some reason. I am tired of doing so much, I am tired ma" she utters

Her voice isn't that happy anymore, it's sad

"Ma this room haunts me, this balcony is my favourite but I know that when he comes here, he will ruin this too"

Who is she talking about?

"I went to abhi's company today, he got a room made for me with tons of good things. There are puzzles, hehe stuffed toys, lots of good things. He even got me coffee today, there was a party today and a new person joined the company" she mumbles

As far as I know abhi and her mum passed away a few years ago.

"Manik, his name is Manik"

My heart beats a little, my cold heart beats a little and it's rare. I feel like my heart hasn't felt like this before

"He joined the company and even though no one said anything or been told anything, I know Manik really saved the company. He is sweet but he was also very rude. He called me dramatic"

She heard me!

"I was scared ma, I am terrified haha I am so scared but I cannot tell abhi, he is so stressed with his own problems and I can't keep piling mine on him"

"Fuck" I mumble realizing what I was doing

I was eavesdropping and it wouldn't bother me but I am bothered because that girl is bringing out every emotion in me that I hate.

I chug some water before I closed my eyes but my head rushes with every single memory of alia and I.

Not a single second of sleep was in my luck tonight and honestly I am used to it by now.

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