Chapter 6

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I was in a meeting when my phone beeped, I did ignore it and after my meeting I saw abhi's text

'My house, 7pm' the text said

It is Friday night and I am not going to his house, I can't. there is no way I am going to his house so I give him a call


"Dude did you get my text?" He asks

"Yeah, what is it for?"

"Nandini is getting engaged" he says

"The fuck? Isn't she like 19" I ask

"You thought my sister is 19?" He asks

"Yeah, isn't she?"

"No, she is 23" he says being offended

"Well whatever, why am I required to attend?"

"because I need help, that's why"

'what kind of help?"

"I need to beat up a guy but I can't do it alone"

"you are strong enough to"

"Manik he knows what I look like, come over please"

"Fine, ill be over in a bit"

"Come now, the stupid asshole comes around 7 so you be here now"

"I will be there"


I sigh grabbing my laptop and phone from the table walking to the elevator

I won't lie, it felt weird knowing she is getting engaged, I haven't seen her since that night when she was talking to her mum in the balcony.

It's not like I haven't had a chance to see her, I actually avoided her at all cost, her face rises a lot of emotions in me and I hate it, I hate that her one look can alter my brain's chemistry so quick

"Are you coming out or am I supposed to come in your house?" I ask abhi on the phone when I park my car in my driveway

"If you opened your eyes you'd see me opening the door for you" he says making me look

I find him standing on his door with the biggest frown on his forehead

"What is going on?" I ask

"So we are hurting a bitch who is trying to get to our sister" cabir says as I walk into abhi's room

"Not my sister" I clarify right away

"Sahil is a peice of shit"

"Abhi nothing you are saying makes sense to me" I say sitting on his bed

"A guy came to see nandini you know to get married, I told her she wouldn't have to marry him if she doesn't want to. She said she doesn't want to and now all of a sudden she agrees to marry him and as if on cue, this asshole tells his parents he wants to get married in a week" he explains

"In short he wants to get married to Nandini and nandini also wants to get married to sahil"


'so what's the problem?" I ask not being able to figure out whats going on

"The problem is, sahil isn't a nice guy"

"Says who?"

"Manik no respectable man wants to marry in such hurry, not unless"

"he has something to hide" I complete his sentence

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