Chapter 18

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The next couple hours i attend a couple meetings that were online, it was around 7 when I was done with meetings so I put my laptop down and peaked over the window but nandini wasn't there

I walk to her room but her room was empty and now I was starting to freak out, my heart beat was starting to pick up not seeing her in her room

"Nandini" I call

There was no noise, silent

"Nandini" I yell this time

not even a giggle, usually when I call her she giggles like a child or if she is trying to hide she will laugh or muffle her giggles

"Nandini I am not in the mood to play hide and seek doll"

"why are you yelling?" Cabir asks when I rush downstairs to the living room

"Have you seen Nandini?" I ask

"No I have not seen your doll, look in your room"

'Cabir im not fucking around right now, she isn't outside or in her room"

"Did you check the bathroom"

"Yeah she isn't there, fuck"


"She went to go play outside and she isn't there" I say running out to the backyard but there was nothing

"She won't go anywhere without asking or telling us" he mumbles

"Fuck fuck fuckk"

"Relax she is probably somewhere here"

"No she isn't"

"Im gonna double the house" he says running in

I grab my phone from my pocket calling her but nothing, there was absolutely nothing, her phone was off and that lets me know something is going on

"Hey miss me already?" Ryan says

"I need nandini'a phone location, It's off, are you able to do anything?" i ask

"Yeah ill call you right back"

"She isn't here" Cabir says

I could hear the panic in his voice too, shit something is wrong, she isn't here. Usually I can feel her presence and right now I can't, she is not here, she is gone

"Did you find her?" I ask Ryan who called

"Her phone is off"


"Her last location was a mile or two away from your house"

"Send it to me"

"Im driving there right now, just give me a minute"

"I don't have a minute, she is in trouble"

"Come out"

Cabir and I both rushed out and got in the car with Ryan

"Sahil's last location matches Nandini's so im tracking his phone down assuming he has her"


"Relax, if you are going to be this hyper I cannot think straight, gosh your mood really affects us all' Cabir mumbled

"Fuck, abhi is going to kill me"

"He won't, you couldn't have down anything to prevent it"

"I saw her laughing around a while, I should have checked on her but I didn't becasue I am so fucking stupid"

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