Chapter 12

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Her little hands grip the back of my shirt tighter than before as we continue to sway slightly, I have never danced with anyone, I genuinely don't do such things, even when I was in a relationship previously I didn't do any of this. To me, these things were childish but when nandini does them I don't mind them

It's almost like anything nankin will do I will adapt it, her giggles, her asking me to dance with her, cooking me waffles, sleeping on the couch because she wants me to be comfortable on the bed. Every little thing she does is so weirdly special

"Hey kitten, why don't you go brush your hair and then we can go"

"Go where?" She asks

"A couple places, I thought id take you alone. Do you want to come with?"

"Yes please only if that's not too much to ask for" she is so well mannered

I wonder if she is adopted becasue that father of hers is a psychotic and lacks manners

"Of course" she nods pulling away from my chest

As she walks up the stairs to my room, I sit taking a bite of the waffles she made. No one has ever made me food like this without asking, not jsut for me, she made them for cabir too and thats so sweet of her

"I am ready" she says twirling around in front of me

She was wearing the same suit she had on last night

"Good, come on finish this so we can go" I say asking her to sit

"Im not hungry" she says shaking her head

"It's 11, eat it"

"But I"

"Nandini either you eat or I force feed you"

"Bad" she whispers eating

She is stubborn sometimes and I like it for some reason

"Hello" I mumble picking up my phone

"Is she up?" It was abhi

"Yeah, are you coming to the office?" I ask

"No I am going over to Ryan's house, he has some information on sahil. Will you be okay taking nandini to the office? If you have meetings thats fine, ill come over to pick her up"

"I was already planning on taking her with me, what time will you get there?"

Nandini's head turns to me hearing about herself

"Not sure yet, I need to get this shit straight"

"All good"

"Is that bhai?"

"It is"

"Give me give me please" she says wiping her hands on her clothes reaching her hands out like a kid

I shake my head giving her the phone

"Hello abhiii" she giggles placing the phone on the table on speaker

"Hi shortie, how are you?"

"Good, where are you?"

"With mukti, I just have some work so are you okay if manik takes you to the office?" He asks

She nods bobbing her head but then remembers he can't see her

"Yes I am okay wiht that, will I see you later today?"

"Of course you will"

"okay I miss you" she pouts

" I miss you too shortie"

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