Chapter 16

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"This is basic" I tell manik as he feeds me the last bit of the vanilla ice cream

"What is?"

"The ice cream, it's so basic, vanilla"

He smirks slightly making my eyes widen a little at how his lips quirk up. I have never seen him smirk like that ever

"Vanilla is the only flavour for you at the moment" he whispers wiping my lips with his thumb

i could feel my cheeks heating up as I licks the ice cream off his thumb, my breath hitches for a moment

"You aren't getting any other flavour, not until you know what vanilla means" he playfully say kissing my cheeks

"It has a meaning?" I ask hoping he doens't notice how warm my cheeks were

"It sure does baby, let's see if you are smart enough to find out"

what can it mean?

"Lets not run these wheels too much and hop into bed"

"Wait, did you call me boring?" I ask

"No, what makes you think so?"

"Vanilla is that a boring flavour?"

"No it's not kitten, it's something else. We are going to the office tommorow and you will have time to research, it's your homework" he says

"I love homework" I chirp making him chuckle

"Get in bed doll"

I nod getting off his arms, I grab the bowl from him going downstairs to wash it. I come back into his room to see him in bed but that space where I laid beside him a little bit ago was empty, the blankets were moved too

"Get in" he says

I don't think twice before laying down beside him, I wrap the blankets around me holding onto Manik's hand as I close my eyes. Being near him is peaceful becasue he is at peace.

"Night kitten"

"Hehe night night" I giggle

His lips touch my head as I lean into him.

The next morning I woke up alone in the bed, I could hear the shower so I knew manik was in the shower, I ran into my room to shower as well because I didn't want to be late.

Manik is taking me to the office today and I need to work on my homework, vanilla. I never thought id be doing homework given by the infamous manik malhotra, the angry hulk

"Are we running to catch a train?" Cabir asks

"Nope, but I am late. Poha or toast?" I ask him

"You know I can make my own food right?" He asks

"Yup but I enjoy cooking for the ones I love"

"Ohhhh then toast but does this love belong to manik as well?"

"Mhm what?" Of course I pretend to not understand

"He is handsome isn't he?"

"You are too" I say avoiding the question

"That wasn't the question but I got my answer" he smirks making me frown

"You want food or should I feed you cereal?' I taunt

'Fine I will shut my mouth for the time being" giggling I start to make toast

"Have you seen nandini?" I hear manik's voice

"In the kitchen, she is making us food"

"God, nandini come out here" he yells

"Shhhh yelling so early isn't good for your health. Try smiling a bit" I say brining out out with eggs and avocado, something manik likes

Cabir hates avocado so for him I got egg salad since that's his favourite

"Coffee or tea?" I ask them

"Sit" manik says

"We can grab some on the way" Cabir says

I sit beside manik who looks at me gesturing me to eat, he knows I am picky with my food, it's not like I do it purposely, I just am not used to having three meals and snacks too

When I was back home I would eat lunch and dinner because I always got so late to eat after serving the family that I would be lunch time and so on. When it comes to snacks I didn't have tons but abhi would bring me some so other than that I didn't have snacks

"Grab some eggs" manik says

"Im not hungry"

"Shhh grab a bite, you didn't eat much last night either so eat" he says giving me some oranges

"Can you please peal them for me?" I request

"You don't know how too?" I ask

"Well I"

he doesn't say anything jsut peals two oranges for me putting them on the plate, as he and Cabir talk I couldn't help but realize that I felt better then I did in the past three days

"Can I take this in the car?" I ask him

"Sure" he says

"Belt" he says when we get to the car

"Is it needed?" I ask

he glares at me and that was enough of an answer so I put the belt on and start munching on my oranges

"Im good" he mumbles when I offer him some orange pieces

"It's not good to say no to fruit" I make up some weird things up

"You made that up nandini" he says grabbing the orange

"You believed it so woah woah"

"This isn't a party"

"Make it one" I say

"Should we get some booze? Or drive straight to the bar?" He jokes

"Mhm id say drive to the bar, leave drunk and get more booze "

"Sounds like a date"

"Jeezzz what kind of dates do you go on, I mean I am not one to go one dates, I have never been on one but I don't think dates are mixed with booze, are they?"

"If a guy ever takes you out to drinks it's a hook-up"

"Weird human beings"

"No doll, that's life these days"

"But dates in movies are so much better"

"They are? How so?"

"Dinners, movies, hehe roses though I think roses are overrated, I feel like daises are cute too. You know this girl abhi dated previously, she was so weird, she wanted gifts all the time"

"Girls like gifts" he says

"You have been with weird girls too I guess"

"you don't like gifts?" He asks glancing over

"I am more of a gesture person I think, gifts are materialistic, sometimes you just need time. Time is the best gift" I smile

A soft smile forms on his face but very slightly, to the point where he doesn't fully smile.

We got coffee before we got to the office, manik was so nice t get me white chocolate cookies and a large iced white chocolate coffee.

"I have a few meetings, would you like to come with? Or you wanna stay in here?"

"Here is good"

"call me if you need anything"

"Thank you manik"

"Of course doll"

Once he leaves I grab his spare laptop that he lets me use to watch youtube videos, listen to songs and just about anything honestly.

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