Chapter 9

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"Shortie" abhi says

As soon as she heard him, she runs into his arms sobbing in his chest

"You two get the fuck out of here now" I yell at them

"Abhimanyu I am serious, if she doesn't get home now she is not staying in the house anymore"

"So be it, we won't be living there anyways now, not after I know you put hands on her when I have clearly told you not to and what bullshit is this engagement huh? What are you gaining form it?" He asks

"This girl has been a burden on me since the day she was born, we thought we were having a boy and then she comes and ruins everything" he spoke

I could tell it was killing nandini but I can't do anything right now, if I say anything it will make thins worse for nandini and abhi, I know abhi can handle himself  but nandini, she needs support

"If she is a burden for you, why the fuck would you let us stay in your house huh? Why the fuck is she cooking for you ad your mother?" Abhi snaps

"It's the least she can do for being brought into this world"

"You didn't fucking birth her and the women that did loved her to pieces so go say that to someone else"

"Enough of this bullshit, I am done with it. Nandini come home now"

She peaks from behind abhi and cabir shaking her head

"NANIDNI I SAID NOW" he screams

"Enough, I have enough. She doesn't marry this piece of shit so you can take him and leave"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Sahil asks

"You want me to punch you one more time?" I ask

"She is my fiancé"

"She isn't, get out of my house now before I call the cops" I say opening the door

"You are dead for me nandini, dead" her father says but it doens't affect nandini much

She is already so hurt that nothing else was hurting her anymore which is scary considering how sensitive she is

"You can't live in that house anymore and neither can she" I say to abhi

"Ill have our bags packed, we will move away okay" he says to nandini caressing her hair

"Abhi he hates me" she whispers in his arms

"He doesn't deserve to like you nandini, he is a peace of shit, he doesn't need you or I. He can live very happily with his other family"

"It's all because of me, I ruined it all. Mumma would be so upset at me"

"Shortie, ma knows who you are and she loved you regardless, she still loves you"

She shakes her head in his chest

"Get over it nandini, you don't wanna live with someone who hurts you anywywas" I say sitting down

"It's my father"

"The one who hurt you, yes it is. He doens't give a fuck about you doll so get that in your head. Life is hard, move on" I mumble

"Manik don't" cabir says

abhi. Took her to my room while cabir sat with me on the couch

"She is sensitive, been though tons so let's not behave like that with her"

"Dude she knows her father hurt her and not just her father but that guy, he literally is so forceful so why cry over such people"

"You are mature enough to say that but when you were in a similar spot or at your weak, you were behaving the same way, so try being calm with her"

"I get that cabir but the shit she spoke before you two got here, that brought me back to where I was"

he sighs as I tel him what nandini said, it really affected me, I am this person who doesn't care but right now I am so affected

"Was she okay?"

"She was sobbing and lets not even mention the fact that she wanted to die, she wanted to end her life cabir"

"Shit, are you okay?" He asks knowing what had happened in my past

"Im fine, but she isn't and I don't know how to fix it. It's not even me that needs to fix it but something about her pulls me to her"

"She is mysterious"

"She is but it's not that cabir, everything about her makes me curious and push me away at the same time"

"I know what you mean, just know she isn't alia"

"I know that, but you get why I am so cautious right?"

He nods making me nod as well

"Her arm" abhi whispers coming down the stairs

"I saw it and let me tell you that isn't getting better just like that, she needs to get it checked" I tell her

"Fuck" he screams throwing the cushions around

"Come sit here" I tell him

"She is so hurt and I was so careless"

"Relax, she is fine here. Go stay over at Mukti's" cabir tells him

"Yeah, don't worry about her. I'll take care of her, cabir is also here. You need to cool it, go see mukti" I tell him

Usually her or nandini can help and since nandini herself isn't in a place to help him be calm, mukti will help him

"She may need me"

"We will call you if she does" cabir says

"You sure?"

"Abhi right now we need you to be calm for her and right now you aren't so I have called you a cab, go to mukti's" I say

"Thank you, call me right away if she needs anything and when she wakes up"

After convincing him, both cabir and I walk him to the door, once he leaves cabir heads to bed in the spare room while I walk to my room.

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