Chapter 10

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After convincing him, both cabir and I walk him to the door, once he leaves cabir heads to bed in the spare room while I walk to my room.

Nandini was up, she was sitting holding two pillows to her chest as she stares at god knows what. Her eyes were swollen, barely opening, her face so dull.

"You okay?" I ask her

"As okay as I can be" she whispers 

"What's going on? Talk to me"

"You don't even like me" she says

"I didn't say that"

"I lost my mum, and today I lost my father as well, he was never really there but today he completely left" she says

"He hurts you nandini"

"He has ever since mum left, he hurts me physically but at least he was there"

"Doll, thats not how you should have to live"

"I am used to it, i am like a caged pet bird that is in one place, there is nothing out there for me manik, there is nothing"

"The world is your oyster nandini, you are so young, you don't need to be around people that are hurting you"

"Thats all I know how to do manik, caring for those who don't give a single crap about me" she whispers

"Then start living differently, learn nandini . Our life is too short doll, live a little"

"Teach me how to"

i look at her, her eyes lock with mine

"Teach me how to live, all I know is to be caged, I haven't seen the world. The furthest I have been is my balcony"

"The furthest I have been is well the other side of the world" I tell her

"Where it's day time right now?" She asks


she sniffle a little rubbing her nose with her palm, she looks at me almost analyzing me then inches closer to me

She leaves her pillows grabbing my arm, she then inches even closer putting her head on my shoulder

"Help me please, I am begging you. My chest feels like it's going to explode, my head is heavy, I can't think about anything"

she was begging me and I didn't know how to help, for the first time in my life I wanted to help but was uncertain on how to help

"I am troubling everyone, every single person I have loved gets hurt, ma, abhi, you, cabir, everyone that comes near me gets hurt and I don't know how to prevent it. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I try so hard but nothing helps"

I couldn't help but be a little taken back when she includes me in her list, I have been nothing but rude to her and she is still so nice

"Who says you aren't enough?" I ask pulling her slightly closer to me

"Then why does everyone leave me?" She asks

Her eyes full of hope, hope that I will give her an answer but how do I give her an answer.

"Doll no one is leaving"

"Ma did, my father did and it's only so far when abhi leaves too. Once abhi leaves you and cabu will leave too" I couldn't help but chuckle a little at her nickname for cabir

her innocent eyes glare at mine

"I am pouring my heart out to you"

"Yes you are"

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