Chapter 26

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"PUT MY SISTER DOWN YOU DISGUSTING PERSON" abhi screams coming in the kitchen

Manik places me on my feet kissing my head

"I don't give a shit if you two are in love or married, you will not be kissing her in front of me"

"then don't kiss mukti in front of her, do I have to remind you she found mukti's belongings in your room" manik taunts

"Oh shut up, she is my baby sister"

'she is old enough" he mumbles

"Shh both of you, bhai grab a banana and go shower and you, I am still upset with you" I say to manik

"You were just kissing him, the heck do you mean you don't forgive him?"

"Between him and I, plus he needs to work at it" I tease

"I will baby girl" manik whispers kissing m head

He sits on the counter while abhi chuckles dabbing him up as if everything everything was fine now, these friends I tell ya

"Im heading back to bed, no making babies" he warns

"We are making twins" manik yells after him making me giggle

"MANIK" abhi yells

"Triplets" manik screams back making abhi groan

"You need to stop joking around" I tell manik

"I wasn't joking, I am wrong right now but I plan on having a whole ass football team with you" he says

"I haven't said yes to marrying you yet"

"You and I both know I could ask right now and you'd marry me but I know I made a mistake and that mistake should never happen ever again so I will do everything in my power to make up for it"

"finding you drunk at a bar isn't something I ever want to experience" I say walking to him

"It won't happen again"

"You want to drink, do it at home"

"I don't drink often" he mumbles

"Your words are powerful, use them wisely, they hurt me"

"They also make you fall in love with me and they make you feel safe but yes you are right so I will use them carefully" he says

"Im sorry" he whispers

"Im sorry too, I shouldn't have been so mean this morning" I mumble

"Love, I deserve it all so do not think for once that it's your fault. I felt like shit, I felt like I wasting advantage of you and I couldn't live with that Nandini. There are deep parts of my life that still haunt me and"

"And no matter how deep it is, I will be here by you, beside you"

"It's easy to say"

'It can't be deeper than the Pacific Ocean and even if it is, I will drown with you rather than floating"

"How did I find you Nandini?" He asks

"You are the man next door, you were the man next door"

"Now you live in our room"

"Your room and to be honest I stole your shirt yesterday morning"

"I saw, if I wasn't so wasted I would have kissed you with all I have Nandini"

"You should've" I say

"I was drunk and I will never want do kiss you if there is a chance I won't remember it the next morning"

'Why?" I ask

His arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him, my arms rest on his thighs since he was sitting on the counter

"I want to feel and remember every kiss we share Nandini" his eyes sparkle slightly

I have always noticed a little speckle in his eyes but today both his eyes were shining

"Im sorry" I whisper

'Why baby?"

"Because I shouldn't have gone to those guys, I wasn't trying to flirt wiht them, I just wanted to see if you cared"

"I understood that but no matter what I say, you need to understand that I will always love you and care for you despite my words. That stunt you pulled with those guys at the bar, it's fine, I know how to fucking fight"

"I felt embarrassed and disgusting"

"Im sorry you felt that way but they wouldn't have touched you"

I smile leaning onto him

"The reason I left"

"Not now, let me grab you some food and we can talk after" I say

"Im not hungry"

"I can tell you aren't but you have a headache don't you?" I ask

"No" he denies kissing my head

"Liar" I giggle walking back to my food

"It hurts" he mumbles

"Lets eat and then you and I can talk"

He groans a little grabbing some orange juice from the fridge

"Shouldn't drink so much" I tease

"I know, it was a bad day"

I hum continuing to cook, I made some pasta and chicken sandwiches. Platting a sandwich and some pasta I hand it to manik who was trying really hard to not fall a sleep

"Eat up" I say

he grabs my arm walking up to his room, he leaves my hand sitting on the bed, patting the bed beside him. I don't say anything I just sit beside him, he feeds me every other bite making me smile

"God, I haven't had a hangover in years" he groans

"Years? it's been a few boring years hasn't it" I tease

"Can you tease me later please, I can't even function"

"You could function an hour ago when you kissed me"

" Argh please"

"Fine, lay down, ill bring you a pill"

"I don't need one, I just need you to be here" I smile kissing his head

"Why do you always do the opposite of what I ask?" i hear him mumble as I take the dishes back to the kitchen

"Here you go" I say handing him a pain killer

He doesn't argue just gulps the pill down laying back on the pillow, he grabs another pillow for me.

"Lay down" he orders

"Hey I am upset with you so no do not use that tone on me right now"


"Better" I whisper sitting beside him

"Just let me get over this fucking hangover and then we are talking about everything, even the fact that you bossed me around" he mumble wrapping his arms around me

His head beside the side of my stomach, his shoulder relax when I start to caress his back

"Im sorry" he whispers

"It's okay, sleep"

i lean down to kiss his head as I massage his head slowly, he falls a sleep right away, his grip on my t shirt was so tight, even when he was a sleep he wouldn't let go of it.

I covered him with blankets closing my eyes as well, I was exhausted too.

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