Chapter 4

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Manik's pov

My eyes flicker between abhi and his sister, as he talks  about this business party that I couldn't give a single fuck about. All my attention lays on this little doll sleeping beside him.

Her head rests on his arms, her arms locked and wrapped around his as he pats her arm helping her sleep.

I saw her for the first time lurking in my room and though I flipped shit on her, a part of me wondered who she was. I am not sure what it is about her that irks my interest but it's not a good thing

Love, attraction, hope are all soft things and only distract from work so I know it's neither of those things.

"Shortie" abhi whispers

she doesn't answer, she just curls beside him holding him

my eyes rake on her face as I take in her features, her nose is curvy and small, her lips pouty perfect for her face. Her eyes are intense, and I am scared to look in them

"She is such a little cutie" cabir says

"She is so adorable" he mumbles back kissing her head

"Is she coming to the party?" I ask

"Yeah, she is perfect isn't she manik" cabir answers instead of abhi

"Don't even try it, she is nothing like the ones I have" bark

"Damn right, she is way too innocent" abhi says

He knows the kind of girls I get along with, more like fuck with

"Well how are things in paradise?" abhi asks

"There is no paradise, it's fuck and go" I mumble

"Lets not mention that in front of my sister, she is a curious one and will try and get all the information from you"

"Girl is way too curious, she analyzes everything" I say

"She makes me spill all kinds of secrets and it's annoying"

i just hum as cabir  and him start talking but it's true, I would spill all kinds of secrets to her, she is jsut so polite and her eyes speak volumes

"The boogey man" she utters waking up

"Im sorry?"

"Boogey man took my candy" she says to abhi rubbing her eyes

"Boogey man isn't real shortie"

"Says who?"


"And since when do I believe such things?" I bite back a smile

"You are right, boogey man always takes my candy too" cabir sides with her making her grin

"Yes correct" she giggles making me smile

"I think we should get some work done" I say

"Right, nandini why don't you go in my cabin and read"

"I will get lost"

She is a kid, I did find it cute in the beginning but it's sort of annoying too, it reminds of me this girl I dated back in the days.

Abhi went to drop her to his cabin while cabir stares at me with a smirk, a very well known smirk

"What?" I snap

"You smiled looking at her" he states


I know exactly who he is talking about


"It was me being polite to her because you and abhi would be on my ass if I didn't, but that does not mean that I am smiling at her"

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