Chapter 30

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Nandini's pov

I stare down at the sparkly diamond that lit the whole room up as moonlight reflects on it. I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful the diamond looks on my fingers.

I still remember how surprised and shocked I was when Manik proposed to me in Paris, he had the whole Eiffel Tower sparkling in my favourite colour, there were fireworks that spelled out 'WILL YOU MARRY ME'.

"What are you doing Mrs Malhotra?" I hear abhi

my head turns to the door, abhi comes in smiling making me smile wider

"Hey, I haven't seen you in forever" I whisper

Manik and I just got back from our honeymoon, it happened so quick. We dated officially for 6 months, we got engaged and not even a few months later we got married.

Neither one of us wanted a huge wedding, we wanted family and friends but that was it. Manik's parents came to the wedding and let me tell you, they are so sweet especially his mother, she is perfect.

His dad is cool, he is the total opposite of mine and talking of that, my father didn't come. I was so proud of Manik for inviting him, Manik even asked for my hand but my father didn't say a single thing so that was that

"How was your honeymoon?" he asks

"Good, great" I smile

"Then why are you so upset?" He asks kissing my cheek

i just smile not saying anything, Manik and I had an argument earlier this morning when we were on the plane. It wasn't serious but it upset me because he is so stubborn sometimes

"Don't try lying to me, wha happened?" He asks

"Nothing just a silly argument about something I saw" I mumble

"What did you see?"

"Bhai I am overthinking so it's totally fine, him and I will figure it out"

"What did you see kiddo?" He asks again

"A picture on his phone, it was a picture of this girl and mhm he hadn't replied to the picture but he had seen it so I don't know what's with that" I mumble

We were on our way back from our honeymoon and as always I was looking at pictures mani and I took on our honeymoon and I was sending them to me. I saw just a number and usually he has contact names so I clicked on it and saw the picture.

It was a girl, her literal boobs were out, not all the way but they were sticking out and trust me she took that picture on purpose. There was also a message and I quote 'Hi baby, missed me?', yeah so of course I asked him

I promise I didn't accuse him, I just asked him about it but he got so defensive and angry. I even said it's not that I don't trust him, it's just I want to know what's going on but he didn't say a single word about it

He dropped me home and left, I don't know where he left, nor did he tell me. I even tried to call and text him but there was no response so I have been sitting here just waiting patiently

"He was texting a girl?"

"No he didn't text back but he saw it and I didn't accuse him, it was just a question"

"Don't justify yourself shortie, you have every right to ask him questions. Trust me if I saw something I would ask mukti as well and I know she'd ask me"

"I don't know abhi, I feel like I just ruined our honeymoon, it was so perfect but one question kind of had a set back, you know what I mean?" I ask

"I get it, try talking to him again and if he doesn't say anything I need you to tell me because you don't deserve this at all"

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