Chapter 19

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"You two can stay if you want but im going in" I say

"Hold on"

"No I am not letting them hurt her"

I march to the entrance and these stupid bitches left the door unlocked, great for us. As soon as the I open the door, both her father and that fucker look over, a smirk on sahil's face

my eyes lock with nandini's who starts sobbing as soon as we make eye contact. She starts to pull on the ropes tying her hands and legs. I try to smile at her but her tears freak me out more than I will ever lead on.

"Manik" she whimpers

"Shut the fuck up" sahil screams slapping her


"Ohh someone seems to be fond of my wife" he says caressing nadnini's head

She whimpers moving away or trying to but he grab her hair yanking on it

"Ahhh, please" she begs

I take a deep breath as I step towards sahil but a few guys stood infant of me pushing me back

"Manik wait" Ryan says grabbing me before I could take a hit at any of them


"Here is the simple option, you guys can charge on us and we will get hurt but you will not be able to get up which then gives us time to call the cops and have you arrested. Is this fucker really paying you that much?" Cabir asks the guys in front of us

"Baby got scared?" One of the guy says

"Thats it" I mumble punching him

I won't lie they weren't easy to bat but then again for guys who have taken karate and jujitsu it's not too hard. Cbair, Ryan, abhi and I took self defence and all these classes

"Ahhh please, please" her cries make me look up from the guy

Her whole face covered with tears, her eyes on me.

"MANIK" she screams when the guy I was throwing punches at threw a punch on my face

"Try it again bitch" I say kicking him getting off him

"Do not go near my daughter" her father blocks her way

"If you think I won't lay a hand on you, you are wrong. Get out of my way mr murhty" I say

"That is my daughter"

"GET OUT OF MY FACE NOWW" I scream at him

"Sahil take her" her father says

"Oh my old uncle, don't run" cabir says grabbing him locking him in his arms

I walk to sail who was holding Nandini's chin

"Now I suggest letting go of her or you are getting killed" he chuckles twisting her chin making her scream in pain

"You don't get anything in simple words you? It's almost like you want me to kick our ass"

"Step towards me and I am going to snap her neck" he says

A fear rises in my heart as I watch his hands on her chin, I would never be scared but nandini is so fragile, she isn't so strong right now that even if he used half his force he can hurt her

"What would that get you?" I ask

"If she can't be mine, she isn't going to be anyone else's so you better back the fuck off"

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