Chapter 20

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My head turns so fast when she squeezes my hand slightly, she stirs for a bit before her eyes flutter open. She gasps so loud, almost scaring me

"Baby are you okay, gosh I am so glad you are awake" I mumble caressing her face

"Manik" she sobs holding onto me

"You are okay love, you are fine" I whisper pulling her to my chest

God, it feels so good to see her awake.

"Manik he he"

"Shh it's okay, I promise it will be okay, just relax. Im right here with you" I coo kissing her head

"I thought I lost you"

"You would never lose my nandini, I will never leave you"

"please don't, I can't breath when im not near you"

Her confession makes me happy but the circumstance is fucked up. I pull back wiping her tears

"Talk to me" I whisper

"I don't, I"

"It's okay, lets get you showered first, then food and we will talk after"

"No no don't go" she freaks out grabbing my arm

"Shhh I am not going anywhere" I mumble helping her sit up

I grab a glass of water pressing the glass to her lips as she sips on it slowly

"Do you want me to grab you some clothes?" I ask

she shakes her head grabbing my t shirt.

"I feel it, all of his touch on me, it's so bad" she cries

i pick her up taking her to the bathroom

"Shower, I will bring you a t shirt of mine"

"What if he comes in here?" She asks

"he will not, I promise I am right outside"

"I trust you' she whispers

My heart swells up with happiness knowing she trusts me.

"Manik" I hear her whisper as I was pacing in the room

I look up to find her coming out of the bathroom in my t shirt, her hair dripping all ver the floor. Her face was swollen, her eyes red, marks all over her chin and face, her wrists bright red and not just her writs but her legs too

"Hiiii beautiful" I whisper walking up to her grabbing a towel

"Hi" she whispers softly

"Let's get your hair dry and brushed". I say drying her hair with a towel

"Ahh" she scream when I rub her hair with the towel

"What's wrong?" I ask pulling back

"It hurts" she mumbles

I drop the towel and look in her hair to find this huge red spot

"How did you get this?" I ask

She doesn't say anything but turns around and hugs me, her arms wrap around my torso, her head on my chest

Fucking sail, I am not leaving that bitch he is going to suffer, and I will make sure he rots in jail

"Lets get your hair dry" I mumble kissing her head

I lean down to grab the blowdryer, as the warm air hits her she shivers curling in my chest more

"Im sorry doll, it'll take a little bit to get adjusted to the warm"

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