Chapter 27

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Manik's pov

This is the best sleep I have ever gotten, you know the kind of sleep that makes you feel like you don't know which day it is but you are so well rested, yeah that's the kind of sleep I just had

When I open my eyes I find my head on nandini's stomach which is not where I remember falling a sleep but I am not complaining at all. As I lift my head up my eyes meet Nandini's face.

I smile seeing her sleeping, I troubled her so much, leaving like that and being such an asshole to her when she came to find me. I know she is hurt even though I apologized and I also know I will make things okay again

Leaning a little I peck her lips making her eyes flutter open, she smiles slightly looking at me making me grin back at her

"You had your sleep, now my turn" she says making me laugh

"Come here" I say sitting up a little

She places her head on my chest making me smile, I cover her with blankets kissing her head, a soft relaxing noise leaves her lips.

i can't believe I thought leaving was the right choice, fuck, that was the worst decision and I am very very happy she came to me.

I think the reason I thought leaving was better was because that's how my last relationship was, she would leave or I would.

"What are you thinking?" She asks looking up in my eyes

"My decision making" I mumble

"Needs work especially when it comes to us"

"Agreed love" I whisper kissing her nose

"Wanna talk to me now please?" She asks

i sigh slightly tugging her closer to me, my chin resting on top of her head

"I felt like it was a vulnerable time, you needed time to process anything, and instead of being there for you, I put my needs first. I shouldn't have kissed you at that second, but that doesn't mean I regret our first kiss, gosh it meant so much to me and it means so much to me to be kissing you now and having you in my arms. Nandni I am sorry for"

"hold on, I get what you were thinking but I needed you and I needed that kiss . It is our first kiss and I will never regret it, ever"

"I understand that now but at the time I thought I took advantage of you and I want you to think I ever want to take advantage of you. Nandini I love you for your heart, I don't want you to think it is the physical aspect that I am doing this for" she smiles nodding

She kisses my chin leaning up.

"Nandini my last relationship was anything but good, it was toxic, abusive, it was horrible, I was caged in it and to this day it haunts me so when I saw us getting somewhere I felt like I was hurting you. I thought I should leave to protect you, I thought being with you would only hurt you"

"I understand that, but I'm not her" those words hit hard, they hit home

I know nandini isn't alia and she can never be but I also don't want her to see that part of me, the part that haunts me

"I know baby" I whisper closing my eyes

"I'm just as scared mani, it feels so new because I have never been in a relationship before, I haven't even had a boyfriend. The only thing that makes me continue this, us, is the fact that it's you. I would pick you with my eye closed manik. Both you and I are so new to this but do you think you and I can make it?' She asks

Her hand rests on my face as she caresses my chin gently, her eyes locked with mine

"The only person I could do a relationship with is you, I see a future with you Nandini and as scary as it sounds, im fully invested in us. I know I made a terrible mistake"

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