Chapter 25

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When I wake up, my eyes met the sun shining bright warming manik and I up, the blanket that was around us earlier this morning when I fell a sleep

I tilt my face slightly to meet Manik's, frowns on his forehead as he sleeps, I smile seeing his features but gosh the things he said last night come to mind

It's not like I won't forgive him but I just wish he spoke to me before walking away, I wish he came to me when I stepped in that bar for him, instead he pretended like he didn't need me

I couldn't help but lift my hand up touching his cheeks, he stirs a little opening his eyes, a soft smile on his lips as his eyes look in mine making me smile back

It was like a switch was flicked because he jumps back from me and the smile disappears, replaced by a frown.

"Nandini" he whispers as he looks around

He was trying to see how he got here

"Don't remember coming in here, do you?" I ask

He shakes his head at me

"Go shower and eat" I say getting up

I slightly lose balance but he grabs my arm stabilizing me

"Don't" I say pulling my arm back

He looked a bit taken back almost offended I suppose

I grab the blanket placing it on the bed, I limp slightly to the bathroom to shower, when I came out of the shower, manik wasn't there so I knew he went to his room.

I walk down to the kitchen to cook food for everyone, I felt a bit better knowing manik is home, he is safe and though we aren't on great terms right now, we both know we will get there

i have trust in manik, in myself and in us, the bond we have built in the past couple months is way bigger than this misunderstanding or this hurt.

"Doll" I hear his voice making me stop what I was doing

i take a huge breath and continue to make a chicken sandwich

"Baby" he says again

it felt like his one whisper was enough to start filling those cracks that my heart was in

"Nandini" he mumbles stepping closer then he was before

"I know I messed up, I understand the severity of my actions and words"

"Do you manik?" I ask turning around

the bags under his eyes bigger than this morning, his eyes still so red

"I know"

"I doubt that. Your words weren't ideal manik and your actions were worse. You are the one who keeps telling me to talk to you and what did you do?"

"Nandini baby"

"No, you are not going to call me that, not until you have it figured out manik. You kiss me and then you leave, what happens when you and I start dating? Am I going to be alone after that too or what if we end up getting married? would we get divorced right after?"

"I know you are angry at me, you have that right but you do not get to make assumptions about the future. I fucked up, I felt my overthinking get to me but that does not mean that you don't mean anything to me. And to clear your assumptions, the day we start dating we won't be apart, the second we get married, we can never get divorced" he states

i look at him but I don't say anything

"I messed up doll, please don't step away from me. Id rather have you hit me but please don't step away" he whispers grabbing my arms

"A bar manik, you were wasted in a bar, you pack your things and you leave, is that what this is. Is that what we are? because very honestly when we kissed yesterday, I felt my whole world light up and I felt special to be there with you"

"You are special love, it's not that. I didn't leave because of something you had done"

"then why did you?" I ask

"I shouldn't have kissed you"

"Wow, now you regret kissing me, manik what"

"Shh let me complete doll" I nod

"I don't regret kissing you, I kissed you a few more times while you were a sleep before I left. I felt like I had taken advantage of you"


"You were in a vulnerable state Nandini, and I took advantage of it all when I kissed you. I always want to kiss you but that wasn't the right moment and I should have known that. I love you Nandini and I took"

"woah, what?" I ask

"I love you Nandini and I promise you I won't ever use the words I did yesterday and I promise I won't ever leave"

"I love you" I whisper back, tears making it hard to see

"I know I messed up, wait what did you say?" He asks

"I love you manik, I love you much"

He doesn't waste a single second before placing his lips on mine, his arm behind my back as he lifts me up, my legs wrap around his torso. His lips move with mine as he deepens the kiss, his minty taste makes me forget all the things was angry about.

"I love you" he utters pulling back slightly

Before I could reply he places his lips on mine again pecking them a few times

"Fuck, I love you so much" he mumbles

"I love you"

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