Chapter 17

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Manik's pov

Meetings were so exhausting, I had 4 back to back and then a couple within 10 minutes of each other. I have been in this fucking meeting room for the past 6 hours and it's annoying as fuck because all of me wants to get back to my cabin

I don't want to admit that I want to see nandini but it's true, I like being around her, and her presence makes me calm, or I guess peaceful like she says.

I finally made my way towards my cabin, as soon as I open the door to my cabin and find papers all over the table. Nandini was sitting in my chair, yeah the chair I never let anyone sit on but then again id let her do anything

The laptop she uses was on the desk, she was siping on the coffee bobbing her head to the music playing on her phone

"Well someone is getting some work done" I say

She looks up, her eyes light up seeing me making my stomach feel fuzzy and warm. she runs up to me hugging me

"Hiiiiiii I missed you, that was like hours" she mumbles against my chest

"Missed me that much?" I ask her

"So much but I promise I was a good girl"

I smile at her words

"You are always my good girl"

"Am I?' She asks looking in my eyes

"Yes always" she smiles

There was a hint of mischief in her eyes and thats not a good sigh

"I did my homework" she says

"What homework?"

"This is so bad, you give me homework and now you don't remember but see I am a good girl so of course I remember" she says walking to the table

She digs out a paper and walks to me handing it to me. I laugh seeing the title, I can't with this girl


Yes that was the title, vanilla hahaha.

"I did my research all about the flavour vanilla' she grins

I scan over it and she had written down the history and other stuff about ice cream and how vanilla is the base of a lot of other flavours

"Did I do good?" She asks

"You did great but you didn't get what I wanted you to get" I tell her

"crap, what did I miss?" she asks pouting at me

i grab her chin tilting it up, I lean down a little, our nose touching.

"Vanilla is the most basic flavour, most subtle flavour"

she hums

"Vanilla is a term used for sex sometimes" I whisper

she gasps slightly, her hands hold onto the side of my shirt

"Sex" she whispers

"Thats right, sex"

I bite back a smile seeing her expressions, she is so innocent in that department I love it. She looks at me like I will have all kinds of answer for her

"Why is it used?" She asks curiously

"It's used when people have basic sex, no experiments, nothing new"

"Woah you just had to go ruin the vanilla flavour for me" she says

"I didn't ruin anything, I just asked you to do homework"

"homework was difficult" she complains

"It wasn't difficult doll, but you did do good"

"Not what you wanted though"

"Shh this is perfect" I say kissing her forehead

"Heheh sex" she giggles making me laugh

"Shh don't tell anyone, it's a secret"

"Shhhh" she giggles louder

"Did you eat something?" I ask her

"I had the chocolate that was in your drawer"

I had specifically left a few snacks of her choice in those drawers so I'm glad she had some

"I mean healthy, did you order anything from the cafe?"

"Oh no no I was very very busy with homework" I couldn't help but chuckle at her words

"Grab your stuff, I will take you out somewhere"


"Not kidnapping and you don't want to be kidnapped anyways so move those little legs"

"I will have you know I am very very offended that you called my legs little" she says collecting her papers from the table

"Im not sure if that's a bad thing"

"Worse thing" she says glaring at me

"Wanna glare again?" I ask

"No but you did make me upset"

"I tend to do that a lot"

"No, I like you" she mumbles making me smile

"Ready to go?" I ask her

"Ready steady go" she giggles grabbing my hand as we both walk out of the office

We grabbed some food on the way back home, I was on a call while nandini was sitting patiently in my room.

"Give me a second Ryan" I say on he phone


i look at nandini who was practically jumping in her seat wanting to ask soemthing

"What's going on?" I ask her

"Can I please go play in the backyard?" She asks

"In the backyard?"

"Yes, there are swings and grass, it's also very windy" her eyes sparkle

"Sure you can, just be safe and if it starts to rain come back in okay" I say kissing her head

"Umm hmm yes sir I promise" she says

"Okay go ahead, grab an apple on the way"

"No apple" she giggles hugging me

"Apple" I say

"No apple" she giggles running out of the room making me smile

"Yeah, what were you saying?" I ask Ryan

"Is that nandini?"


"Damn you like her don't you"


"You do, you are so soft to her"

"Shut up, get back on track"

He laughs continuing to talk about the information he has on one of our meetings that he attended.

I could't help but smile at nandini running around in the backyard when I peaked from my room, she was laughing. Gosh, I didn't think I would like a sound better, her giggles make me happy

It's like all my stress and worries go away as soon as I hear her laugh and giggling. I love when she runs around the house like she owns it and she does.

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