Chapter 2

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"Goodnight bhai"

He smiles kissing my head before he leaves the room.

I sat in the hammock again watching the moon when a light in the house across us catches my eye, lights were being flickered on in the house and then all of a sudden the curtains move

A man's face appears making me jump back a little, I wondered if that was the manik my brother was talking about. i find myself staring in his window as he walks around the room. I couldn't help but continue to stare in the room

His walk screams danger, almost like he is so powerful, but his face is so tight and clenched as if he is angry at something. He hadn't said anything yet but it seemed like someone was saying something on the phone that he held to his ear

Suddenly he turns as if he knew I had my eyes on him, his jaw tightens a bit more as he clenches his jaw, he slid his phone in his pocked coming out to the balcony

"Shit" I mumble under my breath

"Do you think it's a good idea to stare into people's home?" His husky voice distracts me for a second but the hatefulness in his voice brings me back

"Hi" I whisper

"Quit staring into my room" he barks at me

"I mhm I wasn't trying to"

"You were, you have been the past 30 minutes. Stop" he says

Without listening to anything, he turns around and walks back in the room, I realize a breath I didn't think I was holding but gosh, his presence alone is enough to make me feel weird

I cover my body with my blankets snuggling in as I watch the moon and the stars shining but I kept looking over at the room, inside it but.

I wake up to yelling and instantly my body is filled with adrenaline and I start to see stars because I got up so fast.

"Where the hell is that girl" I hear my aunt yelling

"Nope, this is bad. I am messed up" I mumble running to the bathroom to shower

By the time I got out of the shower and was brushing my hair, my door snaps open with a smack scaring the heck out of me

"Nandu" it was abhi

"I messed up I know" I mumble grabbing my dupata

"Walk" he yells after me as I run into the kitchen

It took about 30 minutes to make breakfast, as soon as I served the food, I knew I was going to get really weird comments today, you know when you can just feel it, yeah that's how it is

"You are so shameless, sleeping so late while your father and I wait for breakfast" my grandma taunts

"Where are your manners nandini" my father scolds

"Sorry" I whisper like every single single day as I serve them

"Teach her some manners mahesh, if she behaves like this who will marry her? You know we cannot have have her on our heads all the time"

My heart breaks hearing her, it doesn't mater how many times I hear the insults it always hurts just as bad

It's almost like I am a burden and thats fine but they won't even let me leave, I feel like a caged bird that knows she has no flight left.

"Wear something presentable ,there is someone coming to see you today" my father orders

I just nod even though I wanted to scream and tell him I do not want to get married, all I do is nod like a pathetic girl

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