Chapter 11

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By the time I get to my room, I hear her giggling and laughing which already makes me happier.

"No abhi thats not nice"

"It is very nice, no chocolates for you, no candy, no junk food and especially no chips" she gasps dramatically at his words

"That is a sin Mr Abhimanyu Murthy"

"Shortie you finished the candy I got you and it was a huge bag"

"Well no, it wasn't a huge bad, it was a small bag"

"It was huge"

'Small" she argues



"You two need help" I hear mukti making me chuckle

"We actually do need help" they both mumble

"No candy and go to bed"

"I hate you, bye bye abhi, I love you" she mumbles playing with the dupata of her suit

"Bye shortie, I love you too"

"Bye mukuuu"


She cuts the call sitting up

"Bad bad, gotta get candy' she mumbles to herself

her eyes lift up to mine as I place the tray of food on the bed in front of her

"Woah, solution" she says

"Excuse me"

"Manik will you get me candy?" She asks chewing on her lips

"I could but what do I get in return?" I ask sitting down

"Mhm yes yes okay let me think" she says as I feed her food


"I definitely don't speak gibberish so more chewing and less talking little kitten"

She bobs her head side to side eating, I have never seen a cuter sight. i love how adorable she is.

"Finish" she says when she was full

"Get ready for bed, it's late" I tell her going to the kitchen to put dishes away

"This is huge, big" I hear her

She was exploring the house, this girl surprises me every since day.

"It's past midnight, why are you wandering?"

"Oh hiiii, do you have an extra toothbrush?" She asks

"Yeah, do you also need clothes?" I ask

"I didn't bring mine"

"I'll give you some"

"You hav girl clothes?" She asks giggling as she follows me up to the room

"I do not but you can wear my t shirt, it'll fit you like dress"

she hums as I give her a toothbrush.

I grab her a t shirt of mine that was a bit oversized on me so it will fit her perfectly down to her knees at least

i texted abhi to let him know nandini was wearing my clothes and sleeping in my room, I never want to do anything that will hurt him or nandini. He replies right away with a thank you so I knew he didn't care if she wears my clothes

"I wonder if you gave me this to make fun of my height" she whispers coming out of the bathroom

Fuck me, I hate how I feel around her and especially seeing her in my clothes. I have never let anyone touch my clothes, the only person who wore something of mine was alia.

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