Chapter 14

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"Did you cage me in a room" her voice echoes in the cabin making both abhi and I chuckle

"I sure did little doll"

"Bad manik, I will complain, ahh bhaiiii I missed you" she runs to him

"I missed you too shortie, how was this morning?"

"Good, manik took me to the mall and I got new clothes and sandals see" she says giving him a twirl

"Wow so pretty" he complements making her giggle

"Sleep okay? I ask

she bobs her head sitting by abhi

"We are going to move into a different hours every soon" he tells her

She smiles sadly

"I know you don't want us to be in that house anymore but that balcony, the hammock, all of it reminds me of ma" she whispers

"I know shortie but you have to understand that the household is toxic for us, he has gotten so much worse and I can't have you hurt nandini"

"I understand" she mumbles

"Hey doll why don't you grab yourself some coffee?" I say

"Oh right, coffee" she says

"Don't need to pay, they know you will be coming down" she nods grinning

"Don't run"

She nods again grinning and that only means she will not listen.

"Abhi can I suggest something?" I ask him once nadnini laves to get coffee

"Of course"

"She loves that balcony and the hammock, ill have it situated in my balcony. It's not the same obviously but she can look at the same view, her feelings and her memories will be the same, just a different angle" I tell him

"You want her to be living with you?" He asks

Shit, it does sound like that

"Well I"

"This whole fiasco is my problem manik"

"cut the bullshit, you were there when I was at my lowest so no do not bullshit me"

he chuckles slightly

"Honestly she does better in your presence, she talks to you but I can't put so much burden on you"

"It's not burden, she isn't a burden abhi, she is nice to have around and I wouldn't mind having her around. I do understand if you are uncomfortable with that then it's all good, it was just something I thought id offer. Now just for her, but you as well"

"If she agrees to it, she can stay in your house" he says

"Talk to her about it, and I want you to know she is 41 kg which is underweight, she had a full check up, everything else is okay, just her weight. Here are vitamins and other things she needs to take so that is your problem because that girl is stubborn as fuck"

"As if you aren't and just so you know she listens to you"

"Boy does this building look like a maze, I wonder which idiot designed it" she mumbles walking int he cabin with 4 coffees

"Hat idiot would be your brother"

"Oh mhm nope not idiot, nice. You are so talented bhai' she mumbles

"You naughty little kid"

She giggles running to me hiding behind my chair

"You think I won't get you there?" Abhi asks

"No no, he has muscles and we are friends right, manik you'd protect me right?" She asks patting my head

"Touch my head again and I promise you'll lose your coffee" I warn

She giggles touching my head again


"Ahh hehehe" she screams running

She runs into cabir who was coming in the cabin

'Woah woah, where is this train going?' he asks

"Cabu you love me right?"

"Yeah but now im scared"

"No need to be scared, will you fight manik and abhi for me?" She asks making us both chuckle

"These two?" He asks her


"No, big no kid. Have you seen his muscles, he can kick my ass in second and your brother, nope not fighting him either" he says

"Well then" she mumbles

"Come here shortie"

she sits by him as the three of us talk about deals and other things. Nandini was sipping on her coffee the whole time, her eyes on me the entire 4 hours and if it isn't hard to discuss work while she stares at me like that

"Nandini would you wanna live with manik?" Abhi asks her


"with manik, would you want to live with him"

"Girl say yes, I am living there too and we are going to have a party" cabir chimes in

"I would love to but only if you promise to live with mukti" she says

There it is, she said yes because she knows he wants to live with mukti.

The two negotiated a bit while I was lost in my thoughts, the consensus was she will be living in the house.

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