Christmas presents!

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what they would give you and the thought behind it  (bit of a filler until the next big thick chapter is done ;)

just the main boy characters sorry, maybe ill make a pt2 w just the girls??


-He would make you one of those present box things that open up and have layerss of chocolate inside

-Doesn't really know your interests that well even though yous have been friends for like 5+ years??

-Only thought of the chocolate present box after seeing some some guy from the year above give something similar to his girlfriend on valentines day

-Mari was making it at 3AM on Sunday (few hours before Christmas)

-Sunny stood behind her and watched

-He nit picked every little thing so it would be perfect

-Even though he wasn't the one making it he still tried his best to put in some effort


-Gave you a neon pink walkman with hearts all over as a small gift on the 6th

-You noticed him having a neon yellow one with flowers and that melted your heart knowing you have matching ones

-(IF YOU LIKE PINK!) You loved it and praised him for knowing you so well

-(IF YOU DONT LIKE PINK) Although pink wasn't your color, having matching walkmen with Basil made you not paint over it because you simply didn't have the heart to

-Was internally panicking and shaking because he thought you wouldn't like it

-The main gift on Christmas was a scrap book of just you and him

-Memories that only you both shared together were there, notes you passed each other in class as well

-Even some secret love letters he wrote but didn't have the heart to give you were stuck in on a page with love hearts and flowers and everything

-The best part of the whole scrapbook was the last page, where he wrote every single thing he liked about you and how much he appreciated you being by his side

-Even though the last page was exceptionally amazing, every page had its own unique message behind it that Basil wanted to show you without words


-Even though he could've got you the most expensive perfume or something like lego, he decided for something a bit more thoughtful

-He wrote you a letter with 63 full pages of writing that were glued together with shitty glue from Mr Price

-The envelope of the letter said in big bold letters "To my dearest"

-Maybe the glue was shitty, maybe the letter was a bit messy, but the effort made it shine

-Every page was filled with little things Hero has noticed about you over the years, little quirks you have, talking about how he wants to be with you forever and even writing a poem about how you changed him

-Everyone knows that people compare their current partner to their first love, but Hero won't be needing that when you will be his only lover for the rest of eternity

-Or will you?


-Being your bestfriend and having an amazing sense of humor, he bought you a mug...


-A mug that said "I ❤️ COCK" on the front in bold writing

-You didn't expect a serious gift from Kel anyway so you weren't disappointed

-You punched Kels arm and started laughing saying you weren't going to use it, but secretly you used it for tea when reading books about silly fictional game characters at around 1AM each night

-You only noticed before New Years that Kel had snuck a small block of wood with abs and a really familiar face that you cannot recall drawn on with a sharpie onto the top shelf above your bed 

-The abs were actually really well drawn..

the familiar face block thing was a reference to something my friend gave me today as a present lmfao 

the familiar face block thing was a reference to something my friend gave me today as a present lmfao 

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